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New Grey Mommy!


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Hello everybody,


I am a new mommy of a Timneh Grey her name is Immanuel, yes it's a long name but I'm counting on her being smart enough to say it. ;) I drove from Iowa to the Nebraska border 9 hours to get my sweetie I dreamed of her for months before I got her. I had to wait for her to be weaned. She was exactly four months old when I picked her up April 2 this year. When I first seen her I had the look of love in my eyes and she tried to attack me, growling like a pit bull and me and my husband. I tried to be calm but after 3 hours of constantly growling and biting I thought what did I get myself into. I have 2 Cockatiels and 6 parakeets but never owned a large parrot. We spent the nigh and got up th next day to visit her again, not much better she growled and tried to attack us again. I really wanted to change my mind they had the sweetest African Greys where she was, but she was a different story. The lady at the shop we got her from with was a personal, told us how to handle her which will probably make grey lovers cringe. But we swaddled her in a blanket tight like a new baby, she didnt say a peep the whole nine hour ride back except if we turned around to check on her and she growled and hissed. The lady we got her from took an approach totally opposite from any grey advice I've ever heard, she swaddled our Grey in a blanket and forced her on his she would try to escape but enventually calmed down hearing our voice. I would also just take her out of her cage even if she was unwilling to come out, now she wo'nt leave us alone flying on us and cuddling all day, now it's a fight to get her back and and away from us she is a sweetie.

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I go with the love and patience philosophy myself, positive reinforcement - that said, this doesn't mean allowing them to waddle all over you :-) Sounds like things are looking up Seeday. Congrats on your new family member, and welcome to the forum :-)

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Guest Monique

Congratulations on your baby and welcome to the forum. Sounds like your persistence won out. I bet you had some unhappy nights at first wondering if you had done the right thing and would it ever work out. So glad that it has!!! :)

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