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Getting aTAG soon!!!!!


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I put a deposit on a TAG today!!!!!! He/she is 3 weeks old. He picked me :) There were three of them, and I held all 3, but mine gave me a kiss. The other two were flapping and restless, but mine was calm and happy to let me pet him/her!


Our cage is 36" W and 30"D. We already got him a foraging toy.


I'm getting him from The Bird Shoppe, and our avian vet is the vet for them, so we will know his complete medical history. He will see the vet 2 more times before coming home, and we will take him for a well check when we get him.


His name is Spencer.


Sorry for going on and on, I'm just excited and happy!!!!!!!!!


Any suggestions for when we bring him home?




Post edited by: oppie, at: 2008/10/25 06:25<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2008/10/25 06:55

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Congratulations Oppie on selecting (or should I say Spencer) an life mate. :-)


It sounds like an ideal situation in regards your being able to visit, having an avian vet and being able to have all your new babies information at hand.


It sounds like you are already well on your way, with the cage and toys already being purchased.


In regards bringing him home, just slow and easy. Let him dictate how fast he becomes accustomed to his new family, cage and environment. Since you are interacting with him from such a young age, it could be fairly instantaneous.


Well done!!

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Hello Oppie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Spencer.


That is the way to go if you have more than one chick to choose from and it does make you feel special to have it pick you and not vice versa.


The cage size sounds adequate and you will need several toys to add to the cage and maybe several rough cement perches, the rough ones help keep the talons filed down and be sure to get them of different sizes and diameters to keep the feet in good shape.


You will find loads of useful information in our many threads so browse thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions and we will help you in any way we can.


When you go visit Spencer try to get some pictures, we here at the forum love looking at the baby greys as they are so adorable when this young and then we will be able to see the development as Spencer grows into a beautiful Tag.

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Hello Oppie, So glad you joined us here on the forum. I am so excited for you getting your baby grey:woohoo: . It is so neat how you described how Spencer picked you. Sounds like it was meant to be. I like the name too.


This is a great place if you have any questions. There is always someone on here willing to help or just talk about greys. :)

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I will get more foraging toys when it gets closer to him coming home.


Unfortunately, we won't be able to go see him for two or three weeks. Neither Dotty and I drive, and The Bird Shoppe isn't in Cincinnati, so a friend of mine has to take us to see him. She's in college, and finals are coming up for her. When we go, we will have our digital camera in hand!!!!


Our Ekkie passed away from liver disease 3 months ago. We would take her outside with the Aviator harness. She was a SI. Would her harness fit Spencer?


Ralph and Dotty

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It might fit as I think a Tag and an eclectus are about the same size but maybe one of the members will know.


Thats too bad you won't be able to visit for a couple of weeks but soon time will fly by and you will have Spencer home with you for the rest of his life.;):)

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Hi Oppie, how great about your tag, Spencer. I also am getting my tag in about 3 weeks or 4 weeks although I have not met him yet and therefore have not picked a name. I do talk to the breeder once a week though and she tells me all about her babies. I've had alot of fun reading through the posts here about just about everything and I have purchased everything from Dave's palm oil to the aloe vera gel and juice.:lol: a couple of desktop perches, large cage, travel cage, travel pack, harness. name it I have it, but no feathered friend. :whistle: :silly: ;) It is fun to get ready!!! Can't wait to see your pictures.

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Hiya Ralph,


Welcome to the forum and may I congratulate you on the lovely baby Spencer.


Its so exciting to prepare for the arrival of your new grey! It must be as I have done this three times now!

Make sure you look through the different threads and take a look at the Nursery room which has great information to help you with your new bundle of joy.


Please keep us updated and if you manage to get some photos, we would love to see them!



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We are going to see Spencer Tuesday!:cheer: We will get pics!


They expect him to be ready to come home shortly after Thanksgiving! However, we are going to wait until after January 7th. We are taking Mega Bus to Wisconsin on December 22, and they don't allow animals. Our other birds (Jim Jim, a male Cockatiel, Twinkle, a female Cockatiel, Shirley, a white Love Dove, and Lindsay, a green Quaker) are going to my Cousin's. I don't think it would be good for Spencer to leave The Bird Shoppe, go to a new home for a few weeks, then go to another new place that has an Umbrella Cockatoo, two cats, and one dog. We could board him at The Bird Shoppe, but we have problems getting there as neither Dotty or I drive, and the bus doesn't go there (don't worry, it goes to our avian vet, though!)


Can't wait to see him again!! He's in his own cage now!!!!




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Ralph you sound very excited about Spencer and indeed you should be.


That is probably for the best to not bring him home until January as you really need to not leave him for a while after you bring him home, he needs to get settled in his new home and have time to adjust and bond with his new family before he is left for more than a couple of days.

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Hi, Judygram,


I am very excited about Spencer. I hate to wait that long, but it's best to :(


After getting him home, how long should we wait before leaving him. We have no travel plans after our Christmas trip, just curious.



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