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Molting/colored chest feathers


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I am sure there is a ton of threads on here that discuss molting and the like but please bare with me.

I was giving Bell a shower last night and I am almost positive that she is well on her way into a molt, but the thing that's peaked my curiosity are the feathers on her chest closer to her wings and almost under the wings. Some feathers turned a shade of blueish purple, but only when they are wet. When she dries off they are all Grey again. I don't know if this is some thing that she's had and I never noticed or if its some thing new. I just had her to the vet about a month a go and had blood work done and she came up clean as a whistle. While at the vet her doctor told me that the band thats around her leg indicates that she was wild caught and imported. Not sure, but the Vet thinks she is around 20- 25 years old. This shattered me and the previous owners original estimate of around 7 years old.What do you all think? I'll see if she will let me take some pictures



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If the color of the feathers returns to it's usual gray color, there should be no problem. Sometimes, the darker coloring of the feather is simply a color that belongs in that gray family--feather has tinge of blue, tinge of light purple. many times, it has to do with the thickness and density of the feather/feathers. I have a white beard (no more pigment). When I finish shaving and my face is soaked, some of that white beard hair is darkish gray mixed in with white. It all returns to white as soon as it's totally dry. I really miss those dark gray beard days of years ago.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/25 04:59

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OlBenny wrote:

While at the vet her doctor told me that the band thats around her leg indicates that she was wild caught and imported. Not sure, but the Vet thinks she is around 20- 25 years old. This shattered me and the previous owners original estimate of around 7 years old.What do you all think?


Thats interesting your Vet states that approximate age versus the information you received from the person you acquired him from. I would assume he is basing this on the last year wild caught birds could be imported.


An open leg band does not necessarily indicate the bird was imported. My Grey has such a crimped on open band. It was put on by the breeders for easy removal if the purchaser decided to do so, simply pull it open to remove.


If your grey truly came with an open wire ring import band, you should be able to trace the band by calling the USDA. You may surprised at the information you receive. A friend found that her blue crown conure had been imported 13 years earlier - from Japan! In other circumstances the USDA information may give you not only the approximate age of your bird, but the country of origin. (301) 734-5097


It would be interesting to to hear if you decide to research it.

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My grey has a split ring on his left leg.I was told he was seven months old when I got him 5 years ago.The ring has no date but ends with uk .I was told he was hand reared.I do not know for sure though he is very tame and loves my company.I would love to learn more about his past but I love him anyway.Even if your grey is a bit older,dont worry. For all I know charlie could be imported.I am so glad I ended up with such a fantastic companion.If you decide to find out more let us know the outcome.In the mean time love the Bell you have. Also if anyone knows how I can trace Charlies ring hear in the uk please let me know. Sheila

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Well, I have some VERY BAD news. Last night around 3:00AM Bell past away{Feel-bad-00020072}. I am still investigating as to why this happened. My Vet and I have been thinking of different reasons, but between the two of us the only thing we can come up with is that some-one some where in the building had scented the hallways for Fall. When I walked out my door the scent was so heavy I had a hard time breathing it. As far as we can tell, its the only thing that's changed. Any way, Thank you all for your help these last few weeks.{Feel-bad-0002006A}


Ben Fort

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Oh man, that's such a horrible thing to hear. I'm at a loss for words. If you couldn't handle the smell, I'm sure no other creature, human or animal, could have handled it. I'm really sorry about what happened. If there's anything we can do, feel free to talk about it or yell or just cry. We're here and as far as we're concerned, you're part of the family bird or no bird.

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Oh I am so very sorry. I cant believe I just read this. You must be devistated.It sure sounds like your assumptions are right. I wish I could help in some way.We are all hear for you so dont dissappear.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/28 00:25

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OMG I am so sorry to hear of your loss, I cannot imagine how you must feel but I second what Dave said, you are a part of our family whether you have a grey or not. Feel free to ask any one of us for any help if you need it, sometimes just someone to listen can do wonders for the soul.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your pain be eased somewhat by the knowledge that you are not alone with your grief.

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Thanks all,


I really do appreciate every thing :-) I was thinking of an autopsy but when I called the vet she said that they could only do one if she wasn't frozen, unfortunately I had all ready done that so I could take her where I want to bury her. The vet said some thing about some things in her body change and don't give the right reading's after they have been froze. I am going to do some calling around to the Land lord and see if there was some thing on his part or one of the tenants as far as the smell. Either way, I am going to get some answers.

I'll keep you all in the loop as far as what I find out.

And THANK YOU ALL for your kindness and for your thoughts and prayers. I'll be staying on the sight and see what every one else is up to;-)


Ben Fort

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Ben - I am truly sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.


Hopefully you will get some answers on what that scent was and who was responsible for it. That is truly disturbing to think that tenants would not be warned, if it was the landlord. Some people with breathing problems could have also succombed to the fumes, along with peoples pets. Nothing will ever replace your Grey in your heart or thoughts, but by god you may be able to get some satisfaction of finding out whom the responsible party was and what was sprayed.

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I talked to the Land lord to day and sure enough he had the carpets steam cleaned. When I asked him about the smell he said that it was cinnamon. The cleaner added it to the mix for a nice smell. Any way, he said that he would call the company and ask about the chemicals they used and contact the owner of the complex. I also gave him the number to my vet so she can better explain to him what she explained to me. I'll keep you all posted as what I find out on the matter so this NEVER happens to any one else again!!!

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Very interesting update.


One would not think that the chemicals used in steam cleaning carpets would be lethal, but I guess you never know what chemical combination it is and what vapors combined it is that they produce.


I do hope they find this information out for you. It would definitely be beneficial to other bird owners to know the danger of this.

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Actually, steam cleaning is probably one of the most common ways of killing birds and the questions/information and facts about it have been on different bird boards for years. The question that comes up all the time is what to do with the bird/birds when steam cleaning will be done. The chemicals that are used in steam cleaning are some of the deadliest as far as birds are concerned. The most common solution that's told is to remove the birds for at least 2 days or more depending upon how much area is gonna be covered and how fast the home can be ventilated in order to get the chemicals out. The two biggest problems that are asked about is steam cleaning and painting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of an update:

I called the land lord again yesterday(Monday) to see what he found out. He finally called me today, and after about 5 minutes of him babbling about what he found on Parrots, he told me I should call the owner of the complex and talk to her. It's like he needed to check out what I told him to see if I was lying or some thing (how irritating), any way I called her and ironically today was the first day she had herd any thing about it; and she herd about it through an e-mail!! By this time I was good and mad, any way the sum of it turned out that she is going to check some unbiased sources and get back to me tomorrow after noon. I'll let you all know what is found and or decided.


Ben Fort,

Chanhassen, MN

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Hey Ben so glad to hear from you and hopefully your landlord/apt.owner will get back to you soon. Frankly, I hope they compensate you for your loss, it would be the right thing to do. Nothing can replace Bell but compensation would at least give you the opportunity to get yourself a new friend at some point in time. We'll be waiting to hear what the outcome of this ordeal is. Best wishes, Janet.

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I've haven't posted before now but I have been praying for a good out come to this horrible thing that has happened. Your landlord should be somewhat libal becuase You and all the Tenents should of had at least 24 hours notice that the carpets where going to be cleaned. There could be people on oxigen or with serious alergies that should have been informed never mind any pets that could be harmed people need to be notified when things are going to take place where they live I think its a law I would definetly try for some kind of compensation. You have lost something very dear to you and something should be done about it.

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