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I am Heather my husband is Jon. We have a 10 year old daughter Abbye. We also have a few mastiffs a neapolitan and an english and one evil black cat. The cat abuses the two 150lb mastiffs. It is very entertaining.


We are starting our search for an African Grey. We may or may not get one soon. I am a little nervous, I think the best way to describe the nerves is by saying I feel like a person feels the first time they find out they are pregnant and having a baby. LOL


I have been lurking on the forum a long time and am looking forward to participating.

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Hello Heather and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this search for a grey.


You have come to the right place looking for help as we have lots of members here who are willing to go out of their way to answer any questions you may have and help you with your decision.


I can understand your being a little nervous but if you are determined to get a grey then you will have to get over that as the bird will pick up on that so you need to be confident that you can handle it and we will help you find out if you are a right fit for a grey.


Have you ever had birds or parrots before? Since you have dogs and a cat you will have to ensure the greys safety around them as dog and cat saliva can be fatal to a grey.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Due to their long lifespan a grey is a lifetime committment, one not to be taken lightly but if you feel you are ready to take on that responsibility then you will not be disappointed, greys are awesome creatures and you will not know how you got along without it in your life.


Feel free to cruise thru the forum, ask questions and pm anyone you think you might want more information from, take advantage of us, we welcome it.

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Hi Heather, so glad you joined us. I liked how you compared pregnancy to getting a grey:) There are probably more similar than you could ever imagine:laugh: . The commitment, the worrying, the fussing, the joy, the first word, cleaning up poop:ohmy: and so much more!!! Having a grey is such a rewarding experience.


Good luck on your search and your decision. Please keep us informed. If you ever do have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. There are many knowledgable bird owners here on the forum and always happy to answer any questions.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/10/24 18:12

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Hi Heather,

I am a proud Mom to a 7 month old CAG. This is the first bird I have every had, with reading, contacting breeders, going out to make visits we decided to that the plunge. I have never been happier with our decision to go ahead and make Mika a part of our little family (now looking back don't no why I waited so long)

Mika has 2 fur brothers,:woohoo: a 110 Doberman named Simon and a very large fat cat named Charlie and a Mom who spoils him rotten and a Dad that just wonders what else can a bird possibly have.

This forum has been a godsend to me from the day I joined, great information and great friends. Where else can you sit and discuss bird poop :sick: and have people out there really understand where you are coming from lol.

It is a big commitment, but one you will enjoy. And will always have help, with questions and concerns.


Carolyn & Mika

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Hello Heather.I wish you luck on your serch or not for a parrot. My advise is to read up all you can and think long and hard of the pros and cons. They are a hugh comitment. I hope this forum helps you come to the right decision for you and your family.Ask all questions you want. Sheila

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Hi Heather, I get my TAG in mid-November and have been putting my 2 cents worth in here for awhile. I have learned alot and can hardly wait to get my grey. I wish you all the luck in deciding when and if you add a grey to your family. I can tell you this is the right place to come for the answers. Good luck on your search.

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LindaMary~ I will have to see if I have a picture of the 8 lb wonder cat. We have been trying to get a video of them in action. The cat hides behind the open door to my daughters room and swats the dog in the face through the crack where the door meets the frame. He just takes it. He is such a dope. The dogs are boundry trained not to go into my daughters room, so the cat takes full advantage of attacking the dogs then running into "her" room. LOL


Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I really appreciate it.

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