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Well i had the same problem as you.I just took a little but of sunflower seeds out so he would go on the pellets diet but he wouldn't touch them.So my african grey still has his baby food so i though i would make the pellets like baby food.

1.I put some water with a few pellets and put it in the microwave only for a 1 min and a half.

2.Then i took them out and let them cool for a little bit not a lot because they like there food hot.

3.Then i give 1 to chico and he loved them then i just put them in his dish and he went to them and eat them.

After i did that for a few days then i would just put normal pellets in and he would eat them too.So my problem was solved.I hope that will solve your problem like it did for me.

Even if your buzz isn't on baby food he will still love them,but all african greys are diffrent.:)

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lol, hang in there, the trick is to be more stubborn than he is :-) You might also try making a big fuss about the pellets. Enjoy them yourself in an overwhelmingly ridiculous fashion ... have as much fun as possible ... his curiosity could outweigh his suspicion lol :-) Try mixing the power treats with juice as well for that more intense flavor. Take heart, it may take a while, but don't give in ... his health is worth the struggle, and sticking to what you decide is best for him will help your relationship in the future :-)

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Guest Monique

It will take a while. He won't be "fooled" but may make them more palatable. Keep giving them to him day after day after day. estream is right you have to be very persistent! :)

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yes, fairy, that and soaking them and warming them. but the peanut butter made the difference. guess now maybe we're on our way. i feel great about getting the better nutrition in this diet into him no matter how i have to do it. thanks

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