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Nervous about getting a baby grey. Update !!


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I have gone back and forth in my head now for months about getting a grey. I decided to do it then a few weeks later decided not to. Now a few months have gone by and I have decided I really want one. I have the time and ability to take care of it, but I am just really nervous.


Is this nervousness normal? I was raised around birds. My husband was also.


Any help or comments would be appreciated.



Heather<br><br>Post edited by: tatdmommy, at: 2008/10/27 20:19

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Nervousness is normal but if you really want a grey then you will need to overcome that as greys are very perceptive of our emotions and feelings.


You really should not be nervous since you have been raised around birds but maybe a grey is a little bigger than the ones you are used to. You really should be more excited than nervous, greys can only bite but then you already know that and if you are afraid of being bitten then maybe a grey is not the bird for you. I am not trying to talk you of of getting one, I just want you to be sure a grey is the right bird for you for you will have it for a long time to come.


Only you can decide if this is what you really want but make sure you are 100% committed before you actually make a purchase, know what you are getting into because we hate to see grey owners get one and then decide they don't fit in their lifestyle and get rid of it, rescues are full of those kind of birds.

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This is a big decision Tatdmommy so you should be really committed. There are lots of posts here in the forum about all kinds of joyous things that happen with greys, BUT there are also lots of things that take time, patience and an even disposition. Please read through the posts here and get an idea of all the things that encompass being a good grey owner. If in your heart you are unsure then wait. This should be a lifetime commitment as if you were becoming a human parent. Remember they have the mind of a 5 year old and the attitude of a 2 year old. With all the joy and heartache of a child. Good Luck!

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Thank you both for the advice.


I am not worried about handling a bird or getting bit. I was raised with cockatiels. Size isn't an issue for me. My hubby's dad had a yellow naped amazon. So he is also ok with bigger birds.


I take the 50-60 year commitment very seriously. We are both in our early 30's so time is on our side. We have had our issue's with our dog's. Our neo is very head strong and we had to hire a in home trainer to come help us train him and assume the dominate role in the house. So I know we can be patient and overcome whatever comes our way.


I want to make the right decision about getting a bird and if I decide I can't handle it I won't get one. I am absolutely against making a hasty decision in regards to owning any animal due to my inability to control my impulses.


Thanks everyone again. I am still thinking. I have done a lot of reading over the months. I will continue to do more though. There are so many different opinions on everything.

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I wish everyone who thinks about getting a companion parrot spent as much time up front really considering all the ramifications of that decision as you are spending. Karma to you for being careful, reading up and listening to your gut before taking the leap! Keep up the good work.{Feel-good-000200BB}

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Heather, I'd say the nerves are totally normal. Everyone's replies are outstanding, I just wanted to add that I had the nerves as well. I'd been contemplating getting a Grey for just over a year. It was shortly before I found Tango that I decided I was ready, and had no idea I would meet him the day I did. I was SO NERVOUS when I initiated the conversation with the salesgirl about wanting to take him home, because I knew this was an enormous commitment. I told myself it was just the nerves, and that I really had put the time & thought into it, calmed myself down, and brought him home. I couldn't be happier with my decision, for better or for worse ;) I'd say the nerves are perfectly natural.

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One thing to perhaps consider doing to ease your nervousness and making the decision easier. Would be to find a breeder with in driving range that you could go and interact with a Grey your are interested in.


It will give you the chance to assess their personality, talk to a knowledgeable bird person first hand about the pros, cons and upkeep requirements. Once you have visited a few times, you will know if it's right for you and your husband.


The problem with reading all the information on the Internet. Is it becomes very overwhelming sometimes. This is because you are reading and processing all the pros and cons in your mind with no true interaction and experience. The other bad thing about the Internet posts, is it is sometimes difficult to weed out the trash from the true and factual data to come to a true conclusion based on solid facts.


Our minds simply can not do this just based on Internet posts by very experienced and educated posters, to just posts from limited individuals that express their thoughts based on maybe a few real experiences or hear-say.


I don't know about you, but if I research first, go through the mental thought and anxiety you are describing to to figure it purely mentally. I get exhausted and double minded.


To stop the mental uncertainty, I then normally come to the conclusion I must go and see, touch and experience whatever it is I am trying to make a decision on, be it animal, bird, electronic gadgets, appliances etc.


I hope this helps you a little. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/25 15:26

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You have shown commitment to a dificult dog,so I feel you have the right attitude.It is very wise to think and learn all you can before taking the step to owning a grey or any pet. I believe you have a fantastic attitude and this will go a long way. Please let us all know what your decision is . Sheila

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Thank you everyone for all the support and kind words. I beyond appreciate it.


I had made some phone calls to some breeders and I left one a message last week. There aren't very many near us. Out of the blue yesterday a friend of a friends friend called me and said she got my number from one of the breeders I had called. She has babies about ready to go. So we made a date to hang out today (Saturday).


Hubby, my daughter and myself went up there this morning. The birds were great. I must say DanMcQ you hit the nail on the head with the go see go touch approach. I had been around grey's before but I was still very on the fence that I would actually get one. Today pretty much sealed the deal for me. The babies were tired after about an hour and a half and were getting cranky. We talked with the breeder a lot. One baby in particular loved all 3 of us. She ( I am just calling her that) climbed up on my arm and chewed on my fingers a bit. She also attempted to eat the tattooed flowers off my arm and got mad when they wouldn't come off, HAH. We played with some toys and I talked to her. She was in lust with my daughter. She even did a "step up" for my daughter. It was awesome.


The breeder was very happy with our amount of experience and said she would sell us a bird. I am happy to say the nervousness I had felt has gone completely away. We may be bringing her home soon. I didn't want to act impulsively and bring her home today which we could have done. I wanted to think and make sure I am absolutely making the best choice for us and the birdie.


Thanks again everyone for the support and reassurance.



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Thats wonderful Heather thats how it happens they pick you and your heartstrings get all tied in a knot and she pulls it DONE deal. Glad you are being so smart in your decision making ! I had all the same feelings as you I even posted this same kind of thread, My baby has been home a month and it was truly the best decision I ever made!!{Love-00020113} I was sooo nevouse about the smallest of things but what I found out that was all for not things just kinda went into place and I am very very happy mom!! Good luck I really hope you do decide to get her !!

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I'm so glad you took Dan's advice and went to see the grey babies and one chose you and you are being so smart to think about this carefully before making the final decision, wish all grey owners would do the same. Thanks for letting us know and be sure to keep us informed as to what you decide to do but you know how we feel, can't wait to see some pictures.;):)

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Well everyone we have a new baby. She picked us out. We went back to see the breeder and the bird we named her Pumpkin was very happy to see us. Came right up to me and hubby. She is home and is happy playing on her play top. Throwing toys at the mastiffs. The Neo thinks god is throwing toys and food at him. He is very confused. He keeps looking at me chattering. He is a little special.


Thanks everyone for the kind words. Now I have to figure out how to work and not play with the baby all day. lol

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Jon (Hubby) had to run to the office or I would have pics up already :( . We have a problem employee :angry: so he needed to get some paperwork for the lawyers. Jon is the camera man, he is coming home in a little bit so we should have some up shortly. YAY

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