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Suddenly aggressive


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Chloe has suddenly become aggressive. Not so much towards me, but towards other family members and her toys. She has not let my mom pick her up in several days unless she bribes her with a treat or I give her to my mom. She is also going after her toys like mad. She swings them around, attacks them, yells at them. She's done that before but not like this. During these times she may act out against me as well, sometimes striking at me when I try to get her to step up. After a couple bites and a firm "step up" I get her to do it, reluctantly. Other times though she's perfectly fine. Why this sudden change? She's about 5 years old btw.



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As a grey gets older, the aggressiveness towards toys gets more intense. the reason being that he/she is more talented at fighting with the toys and coming out on top. Never discourage this. It actually lets them vent. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with aggressiveness towards a person but it's a good idea not to mess with the bird while he/she is doing this. That's a distraction and they don't wanna lose their focus on their so called temporary enemy.

A grey will also go through a phase of biting people simply because it's in the *stay away from me* mode. It's not a good idea to bribe the bird when he/she is in this mood. Greys are well known for wanting time out from people. Maybe not all people but some in general. When the mood goes away, they usually return to their more affectionate ways.

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I now when Tyco is very aggresive playing with her toys I stand back. she likes foot toys and some times she will want me to pick her toys up for her because she has accidently dropped them I know its dangerous to just give her the toys at this time so I literly throw them on to her play top or she will get me as well as the toy. she is 5 years old and sometimes she want attention and sometimes she doesn't she will usually let me know when its ok. your Grey may be feeling her hormones a little more than usual these days and it take sometimes a month or so to get over these feeling of wanting to reproduce it can be a frustrating for them at this time give your Grey a little space and all will work itself out.

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Thanks for the tips. See, we thought she was reaching sexual maturity last summer as she was regurgitating for me a lot and was fairly possessive of me. This is a little different, although not entirely. The whole attacking her toys thing is more intense and frequent. She hasn't let my mom pick her up in several days. I'll tell her not to bribe her, she has just done that when she's trying to put her to bed. I usually leave her alone in play mode because that means she's not plucking!



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