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Fire update


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Guess who started the fire??

It was my parrot Cricket...a server macaw

She always goes uder the Tv stand and we thought to sleep

BUT, she had been nawing at the cord.

When I was loving on her the other day I notice a wierd looking mark on her BEEK.

It is a electric burn...MY GOD SHE IS STILL ALIVE..

She has been acting normal but we are taken her to the vet this weekend.

She actually been acting pissed off cause we won't let her go back under the table

She is the only one that runs around on the floor ..

I would have never thought she, a bird could do this.

WRONG..all my floor cords are being placed safely in P.C. pipes

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Man, Cricket is very lucky to be alive.


Yes, parrots love to chew on cords if they get a chance. It is a huge safety hazard to them and the home as you found.


I'll just bet Cricket is grumpy and pissed off. His beak, tongue and who knows what else probably hurts.


It's good to hear a vet visit is scheduled. Looking forward to hearing an update on how cricket is. :-)

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OMG, what a bad boy Cricket is but lucky indeed to be alive with only a burn mark on his beak, I shudder to think of what could have happened.


You are wise to enclose all electrical cords especially since you have a bird that likes to go around exploring on the floor.


Please let us know what the vet says about Cricket and his firestarting adventure:ohmy: but he is one blessed bird to be alive.:)

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So happy that Cricket is fine and I bet you are so relieved to know what really caused your fire and that the fix is an easy and inexpensive one. Thanks for sharing this news with us. It is a reminder of how curious and sneaky our feathered friends can be.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/24 19:31

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