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i need to know if tomotos will hurt my gery? i have been reading alot about letting your gery eat with you at the dinner table so i decide to give it a try. we had spaghetti tonight not think if it will hurt her, but know she is pooping red and brown color. please help

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Mine likes spaghetti too. I haven't seen that he has ever had a tomato but I know the sauce is filled with it. I have been worried a few times about the poop too but notice Baxters color changes & firmness or liquidy depending on his diet. Last week he tore up a pine cone and shredded it down to nothing. His poop was brown as the pinecone for a day:laugh: That one did shock me though. I thought he was just tearing it up but I guess he eats it too. Then I read they like to eat tree bark which is about the same so I guess it was ok.

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Try feeding your grey some fresh beets if you want to see some color to the poops, we grow them in our garden in the summer and Josey eats them and the next morning she drops the prettiest reddish poop with pink too where the white part would be, very colorful but still poop:sick: :laugh:

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But to answer your question, tomatoes are fine to feed to your grey, Josey enjoyed them out of the garden this summer.


Josey also enjoys spaghetti as she does most any pasta and she gets some of the sauce on hers as well, just be careful of any pieces of onion in it, onions are one of the forbidden foods.


Their poop color will be determined by what they eat so do not be concerned if some of the color of what they eat passes along in the droppings.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and this grey.:)<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2008/10/24 16:44

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Hahahah, Parrot "Splatter Art". Some artists make BIG bucks doing that.


Hey, place a sheet of Art paper under your bird, feed him a bunch of multi-colored foods, capture the successive poops, place it on a spinning wheel for a psychedelic effect and sell it.


Art by Polly. ;-)


They all do seem to be amused by their own poop don't they? Every bird I have ever observed, always checks out the bomb they just dropped.

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