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A Few more questions


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Hi All !!


Hope everyone is well out there !!

I have a few questions about my Koko :


1. I 've noticed that Koko stretches out his neck and opens his mouth really wide - almost like a yawning type action - could it be air or pressure in his ear holes ?? Does your Grey do this ?? Should I be concerned ?


2. How long does it take for them to settle at night to sleep ? When i cover Koko he seems to like to walk and climb around his entire cage (it's annoying :blink: ) and it goes on for about 10-15 minutes.


Thanks EVERYONE !!!

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Hi sarahli,


You will find that most greys will yawn, mine certainly do anyway so if he is well in his self and the ears look clean, no discharge, scratching or feathers missing round the ears I dont think you have anything to worry about.


My greys take about the same time as yours to settle. They all climb around their cages and one of them always scratches the bottom which is normal as well.



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Mine does it as well. The neck will go up and the beak is open. I have noticed that when he is trying to learn new words or sounds he does this too.


When mine yawns, he stretches his wings, opens his beak and goes "Awwwwwwwww" like a real person yawning:laugh: Sounds just like me:laugh:


I put Baxter in his cage about 30 minutes before lights out. He eats for a few minutes then walks around and settles in. After eating it usually takes him about the same time as yours, 10 to 15 minutes. Sounds like you have a normal grey;)

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