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Break through


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They realy are very special birds. I don't no how I ever got along without mine and would never want to be without her ever. They have a way about them that is different from any other bird. mabie its there intelegence I don't know. Even though they are not the most cuddley of birds they have a way about them that is just irristable. I'm so glad you made some progress with yours keep up what your doing its working well In know time you'll be giving her scritches and she will be just as responsive as can be.

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After you have cleaned up the poop :sick: , vacumed for the 3rd time that day:( , watched the toy you just paid $10.00 for thrown on the floor in pieces:blink: . You will no that it is true love lol {Love-000200BF}


You are doing great, keep it up


Carolyn & Mika

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