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can you feed a baby grey too much


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Hi everyone,


Sorry I have not had a chance to give you an update but my new baby grey has been taking up all of my spare time. I brought her home on Oct 16th. The day I brought her home the breeder had clipped one of her toe nails to get some blood for the DNA test to check her sex. My wife just knows its a girl and I kind of think so too so I will refer to it as her until I know different. We brought her home in a small box that the breeder provided. While I was putting her new cage together I decided to put her in a same dog carrier. She kept pulling on the door so I walked over to check on her after about 5 minutes and there was blood all over the cage flood. My heart sunk. I guess she was also scratching with her feet and started the toe bleeding again, but it was a lot of blood. Me and my wife did not know what to do so I imediately called the breeder and she suggested that we get some flour out and tried to pack the flour into her toe nail. After about 15 minutes we finally got the bleeding stopped. I don't know what I would have done if it had not been for my wife, she was a lot of help. I did not sleep all night worring. But now Maggie is doing wonderful. I don't think I could have found a better companion if I had look forever. We have realy become the best of friends. She will set in my lap for hours and just want me to rub her head and back. She also like it when I feed her from my hands. She already know how to step up and is also becoming friend with my wife. Sorry, I did not mean to ranble on and on. Now back to my question. Can you feed a grey too much at one time? She loves apples and has a real good appetite. She has also been eating string beans, grapes and grits and eggs. I am trying not to give her anything with salt. I will try to post pictures by this weekend. :blink:

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No, you can't. When they don't want anymore, they'll totally snub the food. So if the bird is eating a lot of the items you named off there's no problem but as far as the eggs go, just once in a while. Try out other veggies too. It sounds like he has a good appetite and more importantly, he seems to like trying new things. Some birds won't do that. So, no problems.

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