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the phone noise....


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i have a problem with the 15 year old cag i took on from someone does the phone noise stupidly loud, its winding me and my hole family up soo much i dont know wot to do... i just end up covering him up to shut him up everytime he does it... ppl outside, down the road can hear it..wot can i do help please

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Tony, you are going to have to ignore it, plain and simple, any time you give any kind of reaction to ot it is only reinforcing the behavior. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but it is the only way. You will have to put up with it for a while until he learns that it is not getting him any attention.

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The only time Misty used to make the "phone noise" was when I was out of his room (our living room) and he was calling for attention.He has a signature contact call that he prefers to use. I will respond to that by whistling the same call back. It can become a bit of a duet but I enjoy that.

My guess is your bird is simply calling for attention. Greys quickly learn that humans will quickly go to a ringing phone or bleeping microwave so they will use the sound to call as well. My guess is your bird is in his cage most of the time and is bored. He is used to human company at close quarters. Do you know how his previous keeper looked after him? Were they closely bonded ? If he has other signature calls that are more acceptable such as a whistled phrase make a point of always responding to that. Never go to him when he rings his phone. He will learn that it will not get the result he wants.

How does he get on with your other bird?


Steve n Misty

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The others have given good comments. It definitely sounds like the "Come and get me call", I'm ringing and want you/out. :-)


It would be best to ignore the rings, then when he stops for a few minutes, go over and ask if he "Wants out". He will pick up on that quickly.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/23 14:05

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AWW.. to bad it drives you all crazy. My 2 greys do the phone sound, then make the sounds the push buttons do, then say, Hello? Oh Hi! Yup, uh-huh, then some gibberish..... then okay, yup, bye! Then they beep as if to hang up. Or sometimes they yell, MOM, or MATTHEW!

We love it, and it cracks us up! Sometimes when they start the beeping of numbers, I'll ask,who you calling? :P


You have to remember, that in the birds mind, every time the phone rings, it gets your attention. So to them they want your attention. Monkey see, monkey do......:S<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/23 17:26

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""""" the phone sound, then make the sounds the push buttons do, then say, Hello? Oh Hi! Yup, uh-huh, then some gibberish..... then okay, yup, bye! Then they beep as if to hang up. Or sometimes they yell, MOM, or MATTHEW!"""""""


Penny, did you happen to borrow one of my greys? Everything is exactly the same. Just substitute Matthew and put in SEAN! or GENE!

Everything is exactly the same including the gibberish. I always wondered who Smokey was really directing that gibberish to. Of course! He was making a long distance to your grey. My wife and I are sitting here having a great laugh over this post and what you just said.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/24 03:39

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Yup. Misty also used to do the exact same thing! The thing that surprised me was he seemed to be repeating almost complete phone calls that he could only have heard once! But he has not done it since I changed my phone company !! A coincidence??? My bills were sometimes higher than I expected!

Now when I make a call he has an uncanny knack of knowing when I am about to end the call by saying "Bye Bye" just before I finish.


Steve n Misty

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When I brought Baxter home he had a loud phone noise, too that came from his previous home. As time went by I noticed he quit doing it. Which made me sad cuz I loved the sound. I think our phone sound was different and softer., Then we got some new phones with a different kind of ring and it had a more shrilly sound and Baxter went right backt making that phone sound. I am convinced that it was the ring itself that made him start making the noise again. We had several different tones to choose from on the new phone and the one we picked was the one he responded to. I wonder if you can change the tone on your phone. Perhaps a lighter tone or one that does sounds different? I only noticed this on Baxter when we got the new phone. I think there is something to it;) It's worth a try anyway. Good luck to you.

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Dave, That is so funny! :laugh: :laugh: I guess they are calling your greys......perhaps when I'm at work? :whistle: :silly:


I LOVE how they have such conversations when we least expect it, or when you hear them say something that they have only heard once in their lives, and it was a long time ago. Makes you wonder what REALLY goes on in their minds.......:huh: :S :lol:

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Oliver came with his own phone conversations-and since he's come here someimes he "talks on the phone" in my voice too. I finally got him an infants phone that he can dial and it plays songs, etc. he loves it. It's his own telephone. (Actually he has one on his sleeping cage and one on his perch in the living room).


When he wants me to come and get him he'll either howl like a wolf or call out "hello, helllllllloooooooooooo?" and then he'll just come fly in to where ever I'm at.


I'm at home a lot, but he has definite times in the afternoon and late morning where he wants to be left alone-and will sometimes go to his sleeping cage and shut the door.


If I'm busy and want to entertain him, I just turn the TV on Reggae or Opera and he's one happy bird. He also has his own CD player with his favorite country and western tape-yeeeehaw.

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