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Noodles has beak and feather disease


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What exciting news! I know it sucks getting bad news from the vet, glad to hear for once it's good news!!!!!


I'm sure you'll appreciate what you have with your baby all the more now that you have been through such an ordeal together.


With something like this, do you continue to do follow-up tests to be on the safe side, or is Noodles (cute name by the way!) good to go from here?

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Great News...Im so happy for you

Ive lost a bird to that disease 2 weeks ago...

I adopted a new one, a baby, after the vist and discussion with the vet, he tested the blood of my new baby for this disease and im still awaiting the results and hoping it will turn out negative.

In the mean time im trying to be so carefull and I keep praying that Koki will be clean...

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