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Noodles has beak and feather disease


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I just received a phone call from my Avian Vet who informed me that our new CAG we brought home one week ago came up positive for beak and feather disease. Our Vet Dr. Nichols called the pet store to inform them of the situation. I do know that these tests are extremely sensative and can be faulty. How do we handle this with the pet store? Do we continue to pay the extreme vet bills? Please, any advice would be great.

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I'd like to be honest with you. You really should get a refund or exchange. What just happened to you is why breeders have to agree to taking a bird back after seeing a vet. The initial exam is called a *wellcheck* and when there's a problem, the person is entitled to what he/she has paid for. I know you care for the bird but sometimes those feelings have to be put aside. Thae sad feelings you have now will lessen as you bond with a healthy bird that will give you what you're looking for. Think about it but don't take too long to make up your mind. Guarantees--warranties--exchanges expire quickly. I'm really sorry about what happened

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Pionexx, the first thing you need to do is read everything you can about this illness and then decide what it is you want to do. Do you want to keep your grey and see it through this ordeal, can you afford to do this, or do you want a different grey. Then talk to the seller and see what he says. Get all your information together. Good luck this is a tough decision but one that needs to be made for the good of your human family and grey friend. Maybe the seller will refund all your money and give you the grey so he won't have to deal with it. I wish only the best for you and yours.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/22 23:15

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I know its hard but return the bird now.Your vet has confirmed a very serious illness.Other birds in the store where you purchased then bird could also be affected.As your vet has informed the store I suspect they are legally obligated to refund your money.Do not wait and give yourself time to become even more attached to a lovelly but ill bird who will most likely not recover. I am so sorry. Sheila

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The store had given me a verbal that if we choose to bring back Noodles there will be a full refund. Now of course that does not make it any easier but our Vet Dr. Echols has asked that we not make any moves until the second test. He explained that it is was a low level positive. He said in his experience we may have a fighter who has a chance to beat it. We will continue to give Noodles the best life we can and if fate takes her in another direction we will go from there. We have another appt for a test in 60-90 days scheduled and we will let you know the results. Thanks for the feedback and support it has been much appreciated. Here is a great link that explains the procedure.





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I am glad you are giving Noodles a chance.That is brave of you. I hope with all my heart it works out.Youn are showing true commitment to Noodles I take my hat off to you. Please keep us informed. I am always hear, Even if its just for suport. Sheila

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I do a lot of research into holistic health methods to keep my own bird healthy and happy. One of the things I came across in my research is that PBFD is an auto-immune disease and that most birds don't actually die from the virus itself, but from complications arising from a compromised immune system. (As someone who suffers from thyroid disease I understand all too well about "secondary complications.")


The virus primarily attacks young birds which makes sense, because their immune systems are still developing. One of the things that has been suggested about birds who survive is that they did so because their immune system and bodily functions were supported by an extremely healthy diet. It stands to reason that your bird has as good a chance as any (and perhaps better) if you can transform his diet into a "daily immunity defense."


Some of the incredibly healthy "super foods" I've found in my research include:


1) quinoa (cooked or sprouted, my bird likes both)

2) Goji berries - huge antioxidant and immune boosters!

3) Sprouts of any kind - the nutrients in fresh sprouts are second to none. (I offer my bird quinoa and lentil sprouts on a daily basis.)

4) Red Palm Oil - available at Whole Foods, this is a big part of a Grey's natural diet and speaking from personal experience, is possibly my bird's FAVORITE food; it also has made her feathers and beak shine like nothing else.

5) Tons of fresh fruits and veggies, but most especially dark green veggies and highly nutritional fruits like pomegranates, strawberries, kiwis and oranges.


Note: I give ALL of these foods to my bird on a daily basis and vary giving them with breakfast and dinner. She loves them all.


Lastly, don't give up hope! I have read several articles that talk about how "sick" parrots in the wild are not ostrasized or abandoned like you see in other animal species. It may very well be that with a super boost to your bird's immune system (from all or some of the above foods) and your love and desire to help your bird survive, these things will actually help your bird fight past the diesease. Consider that bird's are very perceptive of our emotions and so just as one miserable person in a room can make everyone feel miserable, if you give your bird constant love and strong support, that may be just what he needs to beat this disease.


Here is a link to a really inspiring story: http://www.geocities.com/~calliefeather/sweetpea.html

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Last week we went with Noodles to have her second test performed for PBFD. After a week of agonizing anticipation we received the results.... The test came back negative. Our little bappie made it thorugh this ordeal and is now very healthy and happy. thanks to all the support!!

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Thanks for letting us know and I am proud of you for hanging in there with Noodles, I can't imagine what you have been going thru the last couple of months not knowing but you have your healthy bird now and don't be a stranger now that the results are in, come join in the posting and sharing of fun with your birdie friends here on the forum.

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pionexx21 wrote:

Our little bappie made it thorugh this ordeal and is now very healthy and happy. thanks to all the support!!


What wonderful news on Bappie!!!


Hopefully we'll be hearing more from you know that the storm clouds have passed and you and Bappie are once again in a normalized state of existence. I can not imagine the anxiety of ensuring such a long path to assurance of defeat of the dreadful disease.


Great having you back!! :-)

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