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New Moderators!


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I am pleased to announce our newest moderators!


Heatherstrella is the new moderator of the Training Room! I have known Heather for going on 2 years from another bird forum. She is a wonderful person, who has a lot to offer us as a moderator. Her photography skills are an asset here as well. Congratulations Heather!! :)


Dave007 is the new moderator of the Health Room! I don't have to tell you how knowledgeable he is in this field. His expertise has helped all of us here at one time or another. Congratulations Dave! :)


I am also happy to announce that we have expanded Dan as a moderator in all the rooms to help us as needed. The time he spends here, the posts he replies to, and the expertise and research he does in all the fields has been a tremendous asset to us.

Congratulations Dan!



I look forward to working with all our new moderators, and continuing our ongoing work at keeping this the best Grey Forum on the internet!


Penny<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/22 20:30

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Well congratulations Heather, I have enjoyed seeing all of Annabella's gorgeous pictures, they are marvelous.


Dave, finally I can call you Dr. Flock with meaning, congratulations. You always have the answer when it comes to our greys. And your humor ... what can I say about your humor???


And Dan, I think you must be brillant you have an abundance of knowledge about all things big and small. Contratulations on your expanded whatever; you were always there anyway now its official.


Thanks for being here guys and gal.:cheer:


God it's deep in here!!! But in my opinion true.:kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/22 22:07

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Congradulations to all 3 of you, and am really excited to be part of this very knowledgeable family. You are all great and have helped so many here.


OMG Dr. Flock is in the house{Feel-good-0002006E} for real now.


Penny you could not have made better choices:woohoo:


Carolyn & Mika

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Thanks very much for your wishes. I'll try to do my best. I want to congratulate HeatherStrella too. She is unique. Congratuations to Dan. He's a wonderful guy even though he lives in CAL. Dan, you do great things here. In my book, A-ONE<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/23 02:17

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Congratulations to Heather, Dave and Dan. Like Penny I have known Heather for quite a while and I know she will do a fantastic job with the training room.


Dave, well there is no other person on this forum who is better qualified to take the health room than him, I have the utmost confidence in him and I know for a fact that he will do his best for he is the best, my personal opinion of course, we are so blessed to have his presence, besides he will keep us ROFLMAO with his wit and humor.


Dan, well what can I say but thanks for what you are doing, keep it up.

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Congratulations Heather and Dave!!


You have both always been a great asset here and always contribute awesome posts. Talon made a solid choice in appointing you.


Dave - You know you can't wise crack anymore now right? Your now in a position that is serious. ;-) :P


Heather - Please place on your to-do list, how to train all us crappy photographers to train our Greys to fly in a manner that we can capture wonderful images of in-flight sessions. Warning: We may require extensive training with Camera settings. :-)

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