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Having doubts


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So, I'm picking up my new little baby (2 yrs) boy? (lol) on Saturday, but I'm starting to get cold feet. Yes, I want a second Grey, and yes, I think I can handle two of them...however, - as I was watching House last night with Woody I was reflecting on our relationship and how far we have come - I started to get worried, what if our relationship detierates with this new family member? I know to keep him top bird and I have done my homework, but I don't want to see him getting mad or feather plucking because I wanted to get another bird. I would feel so selfish and guilty. :(




-Amberly and Woody

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I was worried about the same thing when I had the very strong urge to get another bird. Baxter was my everything and I didn't want to upset him either. Plus all the questions about splitting the time up, etc. I did eventually decide to go for it and did get Tigger the eclectus and it is working out very good. There are times I want to give Baxter attention but he has other things on his mind and wants to be left alone:( . That is the perfect time to get Tigger. Tigger always wants attention. :)


It isn't that big of a deal for me because I work from home but it does definately take more time with 2. Mainly the attention part. What ever time you spend with your grey you have to make extra time for the new one. When we are watching TV or whatever instead of having 1 bird on a perch we now have 2 birds & 2 perches:) and that does work out good.


What was most surprising to me was that Baxter was my everything and knew he would always be top bird and he still is but what I wasn't ready for was all the love I had for Tigger too. He warms my heart so much and I just adore him.


The problems I have found with adding an extra bird was of course the space. I used to have a beautiful front room and now it is full of bird cages:laugh: I like feeding my bird fresh fruits and veggies but neither one likes the same kinds:angry: so it's extra veggies and extra preparation time. Sometimes I still feel guilty when one day I spend more time with one than I do the other but usually make up for it the next day.


It's good you are thinking of it before you get the new addition. If I had to do it all over I would do the same thing and get Tigger all over again:) But I still wonder how would things be if I didn't.


I know it wasn't much help on your decision but you will come to the right one. It sounds like you are considering all the pros and cons of it. And just because you are considering another bird doesn't mean you are betraying your current one. Good luck. Let us know what you decide;)

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We also had those feelings before we got our second grey. We were so worried he wouldn't like her, or he would be mad with us and hate us.


For us we were lucky and it has turned out to be a blesssing. We did exactly like you said and made sure he is top bird and to do everything for him before the second bird. This turned out to be a perfect strategy.


They are the best of friends now and he has changed in positive ways from having a second bird. He has not become less loving towards us, but more happy, more active in his cage while we are at work. It gives me a lot of pleasure to see them playing and preening each other in ways that we as humans could not do it for him.


Our second bird was definitely a great decision for our family and I am sure it will be for yours as well. It seems like you have done your homework and I really think that is important.


Good luck

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I have 5. There's a pecking order around here. The one that got here first is the one that gets attention first. The macaws seem to enjoy being around each other and chatter amongst themselves. When it comes to holding and playing, well... it's up to whoever happens to be behaving at the moment. Those who aren't, get to watch all the fun from their perches.


I got Zazu, my AG as a companion for my amazon. They coexist together, but aren't really friends. I can perch them on the same playstand but I have to watch them. Believe it or not, the baby Grey beats up the amazon! However, neither one of them seem too upset at the other's existence. I say just go slow, make the introductions slowly and then integrate them into the same room over a period of time. You still have to monitor their play and pay extra attention to Woody in front of the new one. You're going to have to reassure him that he's not being replaced, but he'll be ok. Eventually, he'll appreciate the company.

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Having two birds is different from having one , my Alexandrine is very jealous of our Grey . He could care less about her , shows no interest at all . I remember having one bird , it was so much easier . I miss that time , but I love both of our birds , so they are here to stay .It is a big decision .

You will work it out .

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TV Show--House

Chase is now a surgeon--Cameron doesn't have the hots for House anymore. House has lots of fun in theclinic. Finally, Cutty is adopting a baby but she need wilson as a character witness, House is very upset. He wants both for himself. Too bad Amber died. Now, Wilson made believe he was falling for a hooker. At first Foreman left because he did'nt wanna be like House but no other hospital would hire him so he's back as neurologist. Poor 13, dhe has aboout 8 yrs left and last night her lover was told that she wouldn't die House liked to fire people, especially the new class. Too bad that old man had no medical degree. He was better than most.


PS--1--Cameron looks better in blonde hair but she's still too skinny. She looks anorexic.

2--I'm glad that the 100 milliom dollar donater is gone. He was a real you know what.

3--That cop was a devil in disguise just because he had a thermotor stuck uop you know where for a long period of time.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/22 20:12

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I heard a Grey is less likley to pluck if their in a family with more than 1 bird. I have 6 birds and I rescuing a new Macaw in the next little while. I find that my birds have become one big flock and although the all don't interact the also don't fight with each other. I think they are happier with more birds around after all they are flock animals so when they are a lone bird it not a natural existance for them. I think in the long run woody will be much happier with you getting a new bird then if you don't. Just my opinion

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LOL dave you crack me up. Yes, House is a super sexy doctor on the TV show...Woody and I watch it every tuesday, but I don't think Woody appreciates it as much as I do (if ya know what I mean... :P )


Thank you all for your advice! I've set the cage up and Woody knows it's there...it doesn't seem to bother him too much, but once there is something inside that beeps and talks...well...I hope he will be a good sport about it!


Thank you all again for putting my mind at ease... {Love-000200C0}

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I watch it on Tuesdays but also watch all the reruns on USA channel--I have DirectV.--my station is 242. Don't know yours but the reruns are still enjoyable. That young detective is a riot. Did you know that the actor who plays House is totally british. He trained himself to do the american language. I've seen him in some british films. The first time I saw him in a british film, I thought he was faking that. He does the american language like no one I've ever seen. I also saw him being given some award on TV. It was weird listening to him talk in his natural tongue<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/22 21:10

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We only had Saphira for about 6 months, i had gone back and forth if I want a second grey or not. Saphira is the sweetest little Grey I have ever seen and I did not want to risk that.


But we decided to get Thorn. Now I am so happy that we did when I see how well they get along. I was worried that she would get closer the her friend and pull away from me. But when she saw me again last night, she was so happy to see me.


So in the end, there is a risk that the birds will not get along, but I figured it is still some company while I am at work.


Not that I see how well they get along, I am happy that I got her a friend.

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