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HELP!!! Lost lots of weight!


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i recently bought a 5ish month old Grey & she was weaned when we brought her home & weighed 416 grams. However, she wasn't eating well & lost 20 grams in 3 days even with us offering her the same food from the pet shop we got her from, our vet told us to give her some pellets soaked in water & mixed with peanut butter. That worked for awhile but then she started regurgitating some of it in the mornings before even eating anything. So we switched to the baby formula because she weighed just under 400 grams. When we tried to wean her off the baby formula she ate almost nothing & her weight dropped down to 350ish & didn't have anything in her crop, we have offered her every thing but she doesn't eat enough only pecks at her pellets. To get her weight back up because it fell down to 335 ( i think, not too sure but still think low) and to keep her alive we are back to hand feeding her, she is now 6 months old & a bundle of joy, her behavior hasn't changed, she isn't lethargic, has no discharges from the eyes or nose the only problem is she doesn't eat on her own & lost a lot of weight. any help would be wonderful! we are at our wits end.<br><br>Post edited by: Val, at: 2008/10/21 23:47

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I think another vet visit may be in order. Weigh daily at the same time each day. Is she a cag or tag. Tags are smaller and so lighter birds.Go back to the vet and have a full check up and blood work.A list of all your concerns is always usefull when at the vets,I always get home and remember something I needed to ask.Your grey is lively enough from what you say so my wild guess, and that is what it is just a guess, is some sort of weaning related problem.Your vet can advise better.

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I would take her to the vet for a checkup. One of my birds had a similar problem and they found a crop infection, which was causing him to not want to eat. Once the medicine kicked in (about 2 weeks later) he was back to gobbling down the formula again!

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Tyco is right. If you decided to wean the bird away ffrom formula, that might have been the wrong thing to do. Greys are at their heaviest when they're formula feeding. Some greys take a long time to wean away from formula. If your grey readily accepts the formula now, weaning was premature. Let the bird tell you when to stop. At a certain feeding, the bird will immediately gurgitate the food out and refuse it. When seeing that you should know that one formula feeding be eliminated. Replace with extra food such as pellets, green veggies cooked or raw. When weaning is totally finished the grey will lose weight. A small grey can be approx 375/385 gms. Medium, approx 390/425 gms. Large, approx 475/520 gms. Extra large,approx 540/570/600 gms. All of these weights can fluctuate either way.

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Val, I am sorry to hear your baby is Has sour crop but at least you have discovered the problem by going to the vets and now you have the correct meds, once they kick in lets hope your baby will soon be well!

Has your grey lost anymore weight?



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