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Does Gizmo step up?


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Just intrigued to know what people mean when they say it's really importnat for a Grey to learn to step up.


When I have a treat Gizmo wants, he'll step up onto my hand so quick you wouldnt believe it without saying "Step up", but when I offer my hand without the treat and say "Step up" he most of the time just looks at me.


Sometimes he lifts his foot up and then i gently lift him by the one foot and he steps up on my hand with the other foot but I'm sure this doesnt count.


Is Gizmo 'Stepping up'?

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Its important to get the bird to step up onto your fingers in case you have to move the bird in an emergency situation!

I normally say the birds name followed by up.

For example my eldest grey Charlie I would hold my fingers ready for him to step and say "Charlie up"

Other people use different commands, as long as the bird understands, chose something and stick with it.


Try him on a playstand in a neutral area maybe away from the cage, use one of his favourite treats, I am teaching my youngest at the moment and still practice with my other two as well.


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