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Due to the recent leaving of 2 of our moderators, Tracy & Siobhan. I understand there are some questions as to WHY.......before I explain, I have a few things I would like to say.


I have the ultimate respect for them both, as friends, and as experienced grey owners. No one has helped me as much with the transition of my getting a second grey more than Tracy. She has gone over and above the role as moderator here. She has researched information, written articles, welcomed all new members, and is always here ready and happily willing to help with any questions or issues. I am deeply sad that she has chosen to leave us. I do hope that over time, she will have a change of heart and come back to us.


Siobhan has always been here to help in any way she could, with words of encouragement, advice, whatever the case may be. Although new to being a moderator, I know she was passionate about her room. I hope Siobhan too, will have a change of heart over time and come back. I will miss them both, as I know you all will.


We have had many experienced members in the past come and go, and life in the grey world continues on as more and more members join us and offer their expertise as well.



I wish them both the best, and hope they find happiness in where ever they decide to go.


I will not get into details about why they are leaving, but I all I will tell you, is this, their reasons for leaving are because I have made a few decisions lately as admin that they disagree with.


I am locking this thread, as I feel it needs no response. If anyone would like to discuss this with me further, you can PM me.



Penny<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/21 19:20

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