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Leaving the forum


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she does have good reasons for leaving, i still speak to her on facebook... She will be missed here, she has helped me out more times than i can remember, and is still doing so from facebook! Never met a more caring person, with a genuine love for people and birds! See you on the other side... xx

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Perhaps before you make a public post that she does have good reason to leave, you should hear the entire story, although I would like to say that it really is not your business to get involved in.

You shouldn't base your opinion on only one side of the story. :dry:


As I stated in my Announcement which I also posted the link to here, if any member would like to discuss it further, than they can pm me. B)

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Excuse me for having an opinion! I used to log onto this site a lot during the day, but find myself staying away now. This site isn't and shouldn't be for anything other than parrots, problems or stories about them! There is no room for politics/ religous beliefs or anything else here. As with the amount of members, some people are bound to get offended! I think im more than entitled to say what i feel, and it isn't just one side of the story i have heard! This is the wrong place to discuss politcal beliefs etc.. But i wouldnt dream of pushing my countrys political votes/problems/ short comings here. You can delete my profile if you like, im going to pm you now!

Ps, once a thread is posted, it becomes every members buisness, so im excersising free will and replying!

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That is correct, Everyone here and everywhere in the world is entitled to their opinion. But what MY problem is with your earlier reply, is that you voiced your opinion based on what you heard from others, NOT what transpired with the admin here.


This has always been a very friendly, respectful, forum to be involved with. If you have read my numerous threads over the last 2 years, you will see that I am FREQUENTLY reminding members here that we are dealing with people from all over the world, and there are many differences and opinions, but we respect each other, agree or not.


Let me remind you, that we have various rooms to discuss Off-Topics if members desire, but due to the many different religions/ cultures/beliefs that makes up our world here on this forum, you are absolutely correct, people would get offended by discussing those topics. THIS IS AN AFRICAN GREY FORUM, if members want to discuss politics and religious beliefs, then there are numerous other forums for just that purpose. So we are in agreement there.


I don't really see how you think anyone here is PUSHING anything on you. I won't be deleting your profile. If you took the time to really read my 3000+ posts, you would know that's not what I am about, neither is this forum.


I will be locking this thread now, as the topic here has gotten a bit too heated, and is going Off Topic.

If anyone here would like to know WHY I made the decision to lock this topic: it is because threads like this when they get derailed and heated have a tendency turn our members off from the REAL reason they are here.


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