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TAG coming back home, need advice


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Hello everyone,

I'm new to the grey forums. I had given my TAG (Timba) to a new home about 15 years ago, do to a move. I have kept in contact with his owner over the years. Due to her health problems she offered him back to me. After all these years he's coming back home. I am so excited. I know this change is going to be very hard on him. How can I make this as easy as possible for him and what is the best way to become re-acquainted?

Thank you


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We just took in a rehomed TAG named Gryphon and he's doing really well. His owner gave us his cage and all his toys, which has helped him adjust. I spent the first couple of days just sitting quietly in a room with him, not attempting physical contact. After the second day he asked for scritches and was stepping up shortly afterward.


I think a calm presence helped, but I should say that Gryph is only 18mo, which may mean the transition was easier.


Good luck and congratulations!



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Even though you shared a connection 15 years ago, you probably need to treat this like it's a new encounter. Give Timba a few days to settle in before trying to interact with him much. He's going to be fairly confused at what's happening. Select a permanent spot for his cage and try not to introduce any new toys at this time. Let him settle down first and get reacquainted with your home and the noises that surround it. Sit by his cage, read a book to him, talk softly and wait until he responds. Find out what his favorite treat is and offer that to him when he does. Take things VERY slowly and at his pace. He'll let you know when he's ready to accept you again. Is he stick trained? Have you visited him over the past 15 years?


Congrats on getting your baby back and welcome to Greyforums

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Thank you for having me and thank you for the advice. I'm sure he doesn't remember me. I didn't go visit him over the years. This is all such a big change for him. A new home and all new people has to be very stressful. I sit and talk to him softly. The second day, while I was talking to him, he kept picking up his foot like he wanted to be picked up. I opened the cage and he came and got on my arm. I let him sit there for about 30 seconds while I talked to him then I put him back.

Most of his perches are to big for him and his cage is to small for my liking. But, I won't change any of that any time soon.

Oh, he has been talking up a storm.

I didn't realize how much I missed him until he came back home.

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Awww! It sounds like he does remember you! I'm glad he's settled in quickly. It took more than a week for any of mine to become social. Some longer than others.


They are enjoyable to be around aren't they? I couldn't imagine my life without mine. They all make me laugh in their own way. Last night, Ty, my B&G macaw was sticking his tongue out of the cage and flicking it. I think I pulled a muscle laughing so hard.

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Do you think it's possible that he remembers me, even a little? Any suggestion on how long I should wait to get him another cage? I didn't ask how long he'd been in the cage he's in now. From the looks of it, it's been a while. I guess they didn't like he's big cage that I had given with him.


Your Macaw is so funny. I got a laugh out of just reading about it.


My family, sisters and brother, have always had parrots. My brother had a Amazon, CAG and a Macaw. Gus, his Macaw was a cross between a red wing and I think a blue and gold. He was a big boy. When they would go on vacation I would feed his birds. I loved being around them. They would keep me in stitches. Even when I'd go to visit I spent more time laughing then I would talking to human family members.

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Also something to consider , he is not the same bird .15 Years is a long time . I agree , I would give him a couple of days to adjust, his own cage , toys and favorite foods . Sitting by his cage and allow him to come to you . How awesome , she offered him back and it works for you . That is really something .

Hope it goes well .

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Typically, rehomed birds will honeymoon for a period of about 3 months. During this time, they'll be on their best behavior and anything you allow will be acceptable later. So it's VERY important that you not start bad habits. I know it's hard because you're overjoyed to have him home after all this time, but whatever you do now will be considered normal later and can cause problems that are harder to reverse.


For instance, if you won't have 6 hours a day to spend with him later, don't give him 6 now. A sudden decrease in attention can cause stress, depression and lead to plucking. Set playtime at the same time every day and for the same period of time. This will give him something to look forward to. My birds are on a schedule. Their cages gets rearranged every weekend. It keeps things interesting for them and because of that, change is normal and not something to be afraid of.


As far as getting a new cage is concerned, I don't see any reason to wait too long. He seems to do well with changing circumstance, so chances are he'll readily accept a bigger house to live in. I'd transfer all his toys and perches to the new cage just to keep something familiar and one at a time remove the ones that are too big over a few weeks. Don't put any new toys in the bigger cage just yet. Give him a week to adjust. I got my female B&G a gigantic stainless steel cage and she literally wasn't herself for about a week. Now she loves having so much room and appreciates that I don't beat up her tail putting her back in. Of course, when she steps out of line, I get in her cage with her and get in her face. She's not sure what to make of that yet.

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I'm trying to do the right things for and with him. That's why I joined you guys here. When I was searching for information on the inter-net I happened to find this group. Reading some of the previous forums I could tell there was a lot of good knowledge here.

His name is Timba. I don't have any pictures to share yet but I will.

I pray he will continue to adjust and accept us as his new family.

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Hi Brenda,


It sounds like Timba is adjusting well so far and wants your up close attention by offering his foot to step up. Was that the only out of cage activities you've had with him so far?


Regarding a new cage, a new and bigger cage would probably be welcomed by him. If you have the room, purchase it and place it beside the present cage, open them both up and let him go explore and see how he does.


Looking forward to hearing more on his progress. :-)

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Hi everyone, Timba has started biting me sometimes. Last night when I was giving him fresh water and food he came down from the top of the cage door and bit my wrist. That was the hardest he's bitten me. When he does bite I put him back in his cage and walk away. And suggestions on how I should handle this would be welcome.

On the cage. Do you guys think a 32w x 24d x 45h cage would be big enough or should I go bigger? When I had him before, he was in a bigger cage than that. I tend to go over board with the room for my animals. I'm trying not to do that this time.

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That cage would be a good size. It's also good for the larger Congo grey although bigger ones are also used. Another reason that you should think about that new cage is that he won't have the advantage of knowing every nook and cranny of that new cage like he does now. You'll both start off fresh. If he's got his old toys, periodically, take one out and replace with some other type. With a new cage, make sure that perches aren't positioned in the same place as the others presently. Also about the cage, try to get one with wheels and a removable seed skirt.

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