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{Feel-bad-00020072}We had a small fire today. Our Lg screen TV cord just melted and caught the rugs on fire. Tv was only 4 months old

I heard something pop and when I went to go see what it was I saw nothing.

I went back to the back room ..than the fire arlarm went off... I ran down the hall and saw flames ..my birds where also going NUTS..

I quckly unpluged the Tv and threw the rugs outside. and begin putting the fire out behind the TV.

I threw water on a elec. fire how stupid.... We have a fire ext. But, it was not in sight (in cupboard) so I had forgotten..It is now being hung in sight.

I was so scared ..After it was all over I thought OMG how would I have gotten my birds out?? What would have happened if I was not home?

My husband check the elec otulet there is nothing wrong, I am worried to leave for work tommorrow..

Just the thought of my babies burning has gotten me so terrified now

My dogs can get out But, my birds are traped and our Tv room is right next to their room..

See the white arrow Tv right on the other side of voilet wall

firepicture.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/10/20 07:45

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OMG! How terribly scary this is for all of us to imagine. I am so sorry for you, but am happy you were able to contain and put the fire out before the smoke affected your birds. I am so happy you all are safe. :)



What a reminder that we should have a ready escape/rescue plan for our birds.


Perhaps everyone here should think about this, plan and offer suggestions.



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I am so sorry this has happened to you and glad no one was hurt but it serves a purpose to remind all of us to prepare for such an emergency. We hope we never have to experience anything like this but you just never know and it can happen so fast.


Thanks Penny for making a thread so we can all make suggestions as to what we need to do to be prepared for such a disaster.

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I was thinking about this because you have such a large flock I think you could put in a fire system for the bird room atleast with sprinklers also you should contact your local fire station and let them know the birds are there and that their saftey first before the home so they dont come in with the fire hose all out, it will come up on their comp that the birds are there and that they should be first priority(of course your human family first ) they would enter the property differently and try and carry cages first. A sprinkler system would be huge as it would mabey allow time for them to get out . Just a thought process of mine. We had a fire just awhile back I grabbed my dogs and a box of pics that could not be replaced and the rest was just well not important at that moment, just material.

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Yes ..that is some wonerful ideals I do not know if I could aford a sprinkle system right now maybe when I get my non profit statis.

But I do have window stickers on the windows where the birds are. I REALLY LIKE THE IDEAL of talking to the fire department Birds before the house. get them out.

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A escape plan is great to have but might not be a bad idea to do a little prevention since you had such a scare. I would call an electrician out just to check all the outlets. It shouldn't cost too much just to have them check it out. If they do find something wrong with the wiring of course it would need to be corrected but it's better find out that way.



I lost my first home due to electrical fire. I wasn't home at the time. Was at a barbeque at my moms and when I came home fire trucks were everywhere!! Luckily I had no pets inside but did lose everything elseI owned in that fire:(


Hindsite is 20/20. I did have a breaker/fuse that would blow when I turned the dishwasher on. My solution was to not use the dishwasher. That was so dumb of me. It was only a few weeks from me noticing the the breaker problem till the time the fire happened. Electricity is nothing to mess with ever. I found out the hard way.


I also have a sticker on my front door/window from the city stating how many pets and what kind I have incase of an emergency and I am not home. It includes our cel phone number and where to take the animals if they can not reach us.



Good luck with it. Hopefully it was just the cord that was bad but would have the electric checked by a professional. Hopefully, the cord didn't affect the other wires in the wall. This stuff really scares me now.

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Debbie- how terrible! I'm so sorry to hear about your bad luck, however it was so great that you were home when it happened and able to contain the fire before it cost you the lives of any of your flock or family. At least if it had to happen it did this way and now can be a reminder to us all to prepare for an emergency.

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I am very sorry that you had this happen in your home. Unfortunatley, this kind of this occurs more often than most people think...I am a career firefighter and can tell you that first hand.


You are right-on to move your extinguisher to a more accessable location, and there is no doubt in my mind that you saved the day by your quick actions. People and companion animals rarely succumb to flame related injuries. Most often the toxins in the smoke are the culprit. By removing the rugs and the unseen synthetic junk they were smoldering into the air you really helped your birds.


If I could be so bold as to offer advice, I would say the following to anyone:


If you see fire in your home that cannot be quickly extinguished by sweeping the base of the fire with a handheld extinguisher, you need to close the door to that room, exit your home and call 911.


Good luck and I hope all is well for you.

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