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Urgent! before I get my hopes up


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So my aunt referred me to a listing of someone wanting to get rid of their CAG, so of course I emailed them and asked some general info. I got an email back ,but it seems to good to be true (but then getting woody and all his stuff for $100 was to good to be true too). I'm going to post the emails, and I would like your advice. Scam or not? I don't want to get my hopes up. The email at the bottom is the first one I sent, the one closest to the top is the one I just got. I emailed back asking for the name of the clinic she visited. I have attached the pictures that she sent me.


"He is 8 months old, attached are his photos, he was checked last 2 weeks, that was the last time i took him to the vet clinic. Bought him when he as a baby from a breeder, i am not getting rid of him, i am selling him do to my change of apartment and my new landlord dont allow pet. Picco is a good boy, i just wish i can keep him he is not aggressive and he can stay with other kinds without fighting.


Hope you like him.



Mrs. Elizabeth


--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Amberly Hoffman <tomboy45385@sbcglobal.net> wrote:


From: Amberly Hoffman <tomboy45385@sbcglobal.net>

Subject: Re: Reply to your "Male African Grey...." Ad on Kijiji

To: likitawim@yahoo.com

Date: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 2:49 PM


I'm in Columbus, Ohio. How old is he? Do you have some pictures? What vet was he seen by? When was the last time he was at the vet's? Where did you get him? Why are you getting rid of him?


Sorry for all the questions, I have a grey and I don't want to risk getting him sick.






----- Original Message ----

From: Likita Wimberly <likitawim@yahoo.com>

To: tomboy45385@sbcglobal.net

Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 10:16:53 AM

Subject: Re: Reply to your "Male African Grey...." Ad on Kijiji


Hello Amberly,


Picco is a male, he is a good bird and he has had all his shots. The rehoming fee is $400 that includes the shipment fee to your destination. Where are you located? i am in TX, i will ship him out as soon as i have the money.. tell me which is the closest airport to you.




Mrs. Elizabeth


--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Kijiji Reply (from tomboy45385@sbcglobal.net) <post@kijiji.com> wrote:


From: Kijiji Reply (from tomboy45385@sbcglobal.net) <post@kijiji.com>

Subject: Reply to your "Male African Grey...." Ad on Kijiji

To: herediaherediarrtt@gmail.com

Date: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 12:44 PM


You've received the following reply to your "Male African Grey...." Ad on Kijiji:


From: tomboy45385@sbcglobal.net

Hello! I was wondering about your African Grey, is it a boy or girl? I have a male African Grey whom I'm looking to get a companion for (NOT BREED!) How much is his rehoming fee? I just got a great deal on a Macaw Cage, so I don't need the cage you have so keep in mind you can sell it :)




-Amberly g1.jpg


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Your aunt knows this peron from other social experiences? Has she ever dealt with this person in any other way even if it doesn't concern animals?

PS -any other communications with this person between your aunt and her?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/19 18:52

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I am trying to tell but the last picture looks like a different grey its hard to tell from the angle but I think the bottom pic has cut wings.( I could be totally wrong and they could have been taken years apart so) I would definatly get the name of the vet and contact them and see if they infact have seen this bird and know the owner. Sending money first is really iffy.

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I wouldn't send anyone money untill I had the bird or Maybe your aunt can go visit it and be there for the shipping process? Or give your aunt the money and don't give it to the birds current owner untill the bird is on it's way to you.


Only reason I say this is I got Tigger my eclectus from a local online newspaper add. The guy wanted a set amount of much money or trade for a pair of meyers. Before I found tigger, A guy from Florida with a pair of meyers contacted him and they set up a deal. The guy in Florida bought the ticket for Tigger to go and was suppose to be shipping the meyer parrots the same day. Tigger was at the airport and ready to board but the guy double checked if the Florida guy had shipped his birds. He found out that the man hadn't purchased any tickets for himself or any animals for that day or any day in the future. (But he did the Tiggers last owner all the flight information) So that one was a scam and I would just be scared to send money with no guarantees you would be getting a bird or even a healthy bird at that.


I have found 2 great parrots on craigslist.com and was able to see them before deciding if I wanted them or not. Perhaps you can still check locally and wait for the right one to come along??? I also like to see them in person to see if the "connection" was there between us:)


It sad, but You just can't trust anyone these days anymore:( There are too many crooks and con artist around:dry:


Also I didn't really look untill someone questioned if it was the same bird in the picture. I can see a leg band in atleast one of the photos but not in a couple others. It may be just be the pictures though.


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/10/19 19:58<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/10/19 20:04

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I dont think I would risk it.Wait till one comes available that is local and you can see and pick up yourself.I believe a lot of scams are going around. I think Erica is right about the leg band. Sheila:unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/19 20:55

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I completely agree with Dan. This is basically the type of ad that's pretty common concerning how to get the person to send the money first. Sight unseen is bad news. The hell with those pictures. It's easy to pick any pictures and put them in an Email. if you send the money first and you're stuck with a bad bird, forget about getting the money back. Do the right thing. Always see what you're buying, not reading. You want another bird? There's plenty of places to buy one and they come with guarantees and warranties.

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Ok, so I emailed saying that if I came to TX could I pick her/him up? I think if it was a scam they would say no or what have you- but the lady said she was moving and that a clinic would have him/her....I wrote back asking the name of the clinic. Hopefully, I'll get a name and number. :S

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I absolutely don't trust this, even if everything checks out. Maybe I'm just a pessimist, but my advice is DON'T DO IT. Greys are expensive, but worth the price you pay for security. With something like this where you can't meet the bird, it'd be easy to get scammed. Hell, if this person is a professional scammer, they may even have a fake vet website or separate cell phone #. Go to a local rescue, check Craigslist, go to a local breeder, hit up a petstore...




That's where I got my Grey from, and (s)he was expensive, but completely worth it. They have three five-month-old babies right now and I've met all of them, they're so sweet. It's a local store, highly reputable, they purchase from trusted local breeders, all the babies are hand-raised, and the birds are handled every day, all day long. There are 2 others not listed on the site, not sure how old they are though.


Obviously there are more resources out there, I just wanted to pass along one I trust implicitly. You seem like you really hope this works out, but even if everything seems to check out, there are still ways scammers get your money. Many do this for a living with no other form of income, so they're incredibly skilled at it. BE CAREFUL.

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After thinking about it and asking the folks at my bird club (just got back from a meeting) I too think I will pass - it just seems 'too good to be true'. Thank you all for your advice and insight and making me feel confident that I did the right thing and didn't pass up the chance of a lifetime - now I won't have doubts :)

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I think you made a wise decision as well. You really can't be too careful these days and have no guarantee that after you sent her the money you would ever see the bird. Getting one locally to you that you can see in person and have in hand once you've exchanged the money will be much better, plus the bird won't have to go through the stress of being shipped by air. Best of luck to you and I know that somewhere out there is another grey just waiting to find you...

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It's so funny how things happen. I got an email from a lady this morning saying "Your looking for a Grey right?" (don't know how she got my email : \ She lives within driving distance of me - a two year old TAG for $400 w/cage toys etc. ....



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I'm over-cautious as well, especially since the price matches the other person's price. It's rare to find someone selling a Grey for so little, especially with everything included. But maybe you've just stumbled upon a good deal! Make sure you do everything in person. (I think my best skill as a person is worrying about others' integrity... Errr...) If this works out, I'm amazingly happy for you!

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I've called the lady, she gave me her vet's name and number - her address and phone number, I've called and spoken with her and she seems genuine. I've also talked to the breeder she originally got the bird from. She has four children and is pregnant with another. He child who was just born has autism and so she says she is just at the end of her rope. I've seen videos of her and the bird and I am picking it up at her house on Sunday! She got my email because I am a member of bird club/rescue here in columbus, and she was browsing the site to see if she could surrender the bird to us and she saw my post saying I was looking for another bird. Viola!


Oh my gosh I'm so stoked! :woohoo:

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WOW this is exciting! Congratulations!

I can't wait to see pictures.


We have a local online classifieds here and they're constantly trying to scam people with Greys. Ironically, Greys are the only species they try it with. I've never seen anyone trying to scam a macaw or an amazon yet. They always have them listed for $300 - $400. Unreal. I hate people that try to take advantage of others like that. they need to get jobs.

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