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New African Grey.. need advice.. Urgent!


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Im going to C&P the two posts i made..


So mom has been wanting to get an african grey baby for a couple of months.. and was going to look into getting one in the next couple of months...


so she goes into the pet shop yesterday... and walks into a baby african grey.. 5/6 months old.. breeder bred and hand raised , ringed... the full nine yards.. only been there a couple of days.. so still sweet... and cuddly.


now... s/he is coming home either today or tmrw... bought a large cage, toys food etc..


NOW.. the urgent part... the baby has regressed completely... back to hand feedings twice a day... syringe fed.. is not difficult to feed.. watched the lady feeding him.. but we will need to take over feedings from tmrw onwards... now the technique isnt a problem..


but how do we start weaning him... ?? we have stocked up on fresh veggies.. rice pasta.. etc.. everything i feed my babies now.. he is eating some of the pellets in his cage.. but not enough and has lost weight.. his breastbone is WAY too sharp for my liking... so will need to continue feedings to get his weight up and start the weaning process.. so... any advice...???


ok went in there today to visit... and got the details from the breeder... who will send a age certificate etc...


and i am personally shocked... and just want to get this baby home and under our care..


HE.. a male.. is not even 3 months old!!!!! was hatched on 30 january.. removed from mom at 1 week old for hand feeding..


he is WAY to young to be weaned.. so i need advice seriously.. PLEASE.. anyone... amounts he needs to be fed... age appropriate games... something we can do to build confidence in a bird that should not be in a pet shop at this age...


for his age he seems well adjusted.. but i think we will be doing alot of work with him.



Please can someone help with advice..??

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Wow. Seems to fall a bit short, but Wow. Okay then, productive resolution. Here's what worked for Chloe and I ...

Chloe had "failure to thrive" when we found her, and had some definite regression in terms of weening. Rather than going back to syringe feeding, and under the supervision of my avian vet, I went with mixing Harrison's power treats (higher fat content) mixed with warm Harrison's formula and mashed banana to soften the pellets. Once they get mushy, I offered her little blobs at a time, and on a very gradual basis cut back more and more on the formula portions. Once she was on the power treats alone, I began mixing in the high potency course pellets, and in time all was well. Papaya, mango, banana, berries, broc, pasta, things like this also came to be hits in time, especially after making a big scene of enjoying them myself first in order to peak her curiosity. Above all, however, I encourage you to consult with an avian specialist for guidance and supervision. He/she may prefer different options, and would hopefully perform a few tests to make certain these bahavior issues are rooted in premature change rather than any physical concern.

I hope this helps a little, and wish you well :-)<br><br>Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/04/25 01:35

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Guest Monique

Get a scale and weigh him each day. You can get a regular kitchen scale at Walmart and configure a perch to put on it. You could feed him 3-4 times a day if you are worried about his weight and he will accept it. He will start rejecting the baby food eventually. When he does that is when you eliminate a handfeeding meal - one by one. In between always make sure he has lots of fresh food and whatever other foods you are weaning him onto. Also, if you google "abundance weaning" there are lots of good articles.


Greys can wean at an average around 3 months so he really isn't that far off from an average.


I am confused about one thing - I don't quite understand why you feel it necessary to bring him home right away vs. waiting until they have him completely weaned?


Good luck and keep us posted!! :)

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Monique wrote:


I am confused about one thing - I don't quite understand why you feel it necessary to bring him home right away vs. waiting until they have him completely weaned?


Good luck and keep us posted!! :)


because i dont feel the petshop is the best enviroment for him to wean.. I want him to wean successfully and to feel secure.. i think he will personally do that better at home than in a petshop with all the associated noise and risk involved..

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Leandre welcome to the forum :) I hope you will enjoy it here.


Whatever decision you take in weaning him home or by the pet store (why was he taken from the breeder?) good luck and please keep us posted:)

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