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Stopped talking & whistling


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It's has been about a week that my Nicholas has stopped talking and whistling, he has been eating OK and has not lost any weight but I am still very concerned for him. I took him to the Dr.s on Monday 10/13, he had a full exam and bloodwork done, by the way this is the 3rd time this year, I had concerns in July and had his bloodwork done, everything came back fine and he returned to normal. The bloodwork I had done on Monday also came back without any concerns, also had stool checked, nothing, the vet seems to think it may be related to breeding season and told me to continue to monitor his weight, one more thing, he is not eating as well as he was. Any suggestions? Comments? Ideas? I am sorry this is so long but I am worrying myself sick, you see earlier this year I lost his brother Chaz, he was 7, Nicholas will be 9 in January.

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Wow, if the Vet can not find anything wrong, this is a tough one.


Do you think it could be related to the loss of Chaz?


Did you have a Necropsy performed on Chaz to determine the cause of death? If so, maybe that could provide a clue.


He stopped talking and chirping, but is he normal in all other ways such as weight and playtime?


Sorry I have more questions than answers, but if the vet says everythings fine, this is tough.

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If your vet has ruled out illness,look at any psychological reasons.Has anything changed in his suroundings.This could be anything from a new cage, new toys,feed dishes ect to more obscure changes such as new furniture,curtains,carpet, pictures and so on. Has his routine changed in any way, are you working more or less. Has anything changed about you, your hair or anything.It could be linked to his hormones as the vet sugested.Keep a close watch on him and his weight. It sounds as if the vet has done all the normal checkes.Greys are moody critters at times and it could just be this. I too would like to know why your other grey passed away,could provide a clue. What is his diet like? Sorry I cant help any more,it really is a guessing game. Good luck and if you can provide any more information I will have another go at helping. Sheila

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I don't think this has anything to do with losing Chaz, he died on April 1st and Nicholas has been fine till now, I did recently put new curtains up in his room but took them down when he started acting weird, that is the only physical change in his environment.

No I did not have a necropsy done on Chaz, I was so and still am so broken-hearted I just couldn't do it, I kept him for 3 weeks before I could bring myself to bury him, in hindsight now I wish I had one done, you see Chaz got sick the end of January, spent a week in intensive care, was on antibiotics for all of Feb. and part of March, 2 weeks before he died I had his bloodwork checked again and everything was good, the doctor said she thought his illness was fungal, I felt terrible I thought it was something I was doing wrong, but you see I inherited Nicholas and Chaz and the conditions they came from left a lot to be desired, the vet thought it could have been something he was carrying for a while. Today Nicholas did whistle for me when I came home from work but he is still not his usual chatty self. He is not eating as well as he was so the vet told me to just monitor him closely. I am going to a parrot event in Burlington New Jersey this weekend, Dr. Irene Pepperberg is going to be there and another person who specializes in parrot behavior, they will be holding seminars so I hope I can get some useful information..sorry to babble on but I am just lost, I can't lose him..

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Hi Sheila...thanks for your response to my post, I am also hoping it is just a mood thing, but I have had him a little over two years and this is a first. The vet also told me that they are very moody birds. Oh another thing, he has always liked apples but now he LOVES them..all of a sudden.

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