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I got my grey!!


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hey everyone!


yesterday i got my grey! welcome Vincent! there he is on my sofa in my profile pic!


thanks to everyone who has offered me help and support during my short time on this site!


on my way home i brought loads of fruit and veg. is it ok to give him them straight from the fridge? he has a seed and pellet mix. i mix a small amount of seed mix with the pellets. i think thats best, some confirmation would ease my concerns tho. he eats a bit of fresh food, i thinks its new to him. he likes brocoli and grapes so far!


should i soak the seeds? how? silly question but i don't want to assume. should i mix the soaked seed with the pellets?


vince is a hand reared baby. it took me 3 trys to get him in the cage. understandable as things were new and scary. he's been in the cage for around 28 hours now. when shall i let him out? he seems to want a bit of love but i don't want problems getting him back in! what were your '1st time out' experiences like?


i'm sure i'll have more questions over the coming weeks/months so thanks for reading this and for any tips and info any of you give.


me and vince thank you :)<br><br>Post edited by: retronut, at: 2008/10/16 22:33

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Congrats on Vincent :)


Fruit & Veg straight from the fridge are fine.Some greys like raw veggies others prefer them cooked & served warm or even mashed a little.It's just a case of trying different ways of serving them to see what Vincent likes ;)


If he can crack the seed there's no need to soak it.Id keep the pellet separate from the seed but you can mix the two if you choose.


If you have a look through the many posts in the bird food room you will find some helpful threads on feeding etc..;)


We have the Nursery room which is filled with info on baby greys, pop in & have a read through .

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Congratulations, you two! I'm still too new to the game to have any good advice for you, I only brought my CAG home a little over a week ago. The beginning phase of the relationship is awesome, if not trying... Darn beak! But it's been so worth it =) Hope your experiences are rewarding as well; I'm sure they will be!

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Congratulations retronut!!


If you haven't already let your Grey out of the cage, it's fine to do so. Just take you time with Vincent and let him come to you if he seems a little stand offish. It may take a little while for him to get used to his new home and flock.


Looking forward to hearing an update on how it's going and seeing some photos of him. :-)

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I am so glad for you. Now the fun begins. I would say let him out for a bit and see how things go. Just take it at his pace.I only give Charlie seed as a treat but I should say either seperate or with pellets is fine.

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How exciting! I think you should let Vincent out right away. He is probably used to being out of his cage for cuddling every day and will be missing his old home and old people- give him some love and let him know that things at his new home may be different but he'll be getting love and attention none-the-less.

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