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moving house


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ok well im moving house soon me and my girl friend are moving in together but where i am at the moment is huge but this new plce is smaller and i think i need to down size in cage size also u think my girl will be ok with the new surroundings ect and any one in the north east wont to buy a huge cage from me lol thanks agin



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Guest Monique

If it is at all possible I would not switch her cage plus her home at the same time. Can you make do with the larger cage for a bit and then trade out? This would be easier on her than having so many changes at once. What size of cage are you planning on going down to?

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I second Monique - too much change at once can lead to all kinds of troubles - feather plucking, behavior problems, eating challenges, the works. I suggest addressing things more slowly, ease her into change for a smooth transition. Also, take great care in regard to downsizing - especially if your grey is in the cage a lot. Same troubles above apply, and then some. Put yourself in your bird's place - or simply imagine yourself locked in your bedroom all day - after a time, most of us would get a little nutty. I wish you well :-)

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I 'third' with Monique.

It is difficult already as is to move from a familiar environment into a new one, it is better to bring about changes gradually, rather than too much in one time.


Good luck, dareuk :)

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Hmmm, I clicked on the motorcycle pic in hopes of finding the pictures - some great ones of your grey :-) Is the cage she's hanging on the old one? It looks nice and spacious for a healthy active grey - I'd encourage you to keep it - barring that, no pun intended, I emphatically encourage the philosphy of inordinately gradual change with your grey. It's time well spent :-) If behavior changes arise from swift change, you'll be investing even more time not to mention heartache in the trauma... I wish you luck!

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The door of her cage is always open and she can get out whenever she feels like?

Then the size of her cage must not be such a problem. However, because of the getting used and comfortable with her surroundings issue I still would suggest you complete the 'transfer' gradually.

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hey thanks for the replys well been round today to the new crib and there is no way her cage will fit in the room along with my corner suit which is a 11 seater and my tv it ain't gunna happen so im gunna have to sell it for a smaller one yes her cage is always open never locked in ill take some more pics of her cage so u can understand my problem

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That would be great, Dareuk -

one question - your grey roams freely when you're home, or all the time? In all fairness I'm a self professed freak when it comes to parrot safety, but there are so many potential dangers in the home it's very difficult to feel differently. Electrical cords, poisonous materials/cleansers, fans, toilet bowls, fish tanks - Ugh. Chloe and Piper have supervised free time most of the day, and with a bit of training they have each learned to stick to their play gyms unless I invite them to cruise with me. My two freakish cents :-) Moving is rough, I truly wish you luck - if you're relagated to a corner for her cage space, have you considered a corner cage? Check in Fosters and Smith online, If I remember correctly they carry one or two versions?<br><br>Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/04/26 00:20

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  • 3 months later...

well been in the new house for a few months now and every thing is going sweet i take her in to the garden when i work on my bikes and she loves it and one of my neighbors has just got a grey and there related i decided to move her in to the kitchen so i could keep the cage :side: as for her safety when im not there and she roams freely there is no doubt in my mind that she will leave the cage without me near by so im safe there lol sadly i had to sell my rossella due to her being to noisy and the neighbors complained to much so i put her in the pet shop and sold her with all her toys and cage and gave all the money to a local bird charity

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How about a smaller couch instead? But I do agree maybe get the cage long beofore you move or the other eay around wait till you have been in the new place a month or so even if she has to be in the middle of th living room before tring to move her to the new cage.

Then sit the cage next to the cage she normally stays in and start moving toys one day at a time and have food and water in the new cage.

It can take a couple weeks before your grey well move cages but needs to be done very slowly.

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yea was only like 45 pounds but was better than nothing was going to spend the money on some new toys but i felt guilty ill get some pics up later to day just got her free stand today she not to impressed at the moment only sits on the food bowls at the moment she will soon get used to it



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