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Just introducing myself. I'm Harvey. I was born in May this year and I've been living with Gavin and Clare for a few weeks now.


They thought it best to join a forum all about Greys for the good advice and as a place to share with and hear about experiences of other Grey owners.




2859620747_cbf8f26825.jpg?v=0<br><br>Post edited by: harvey, at: 2008/10/16 13:28

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Hello Gavin and Clare and welcome to the family, so glad you have joined us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Harvey.


Harvey is a good looking grey, thanks for including a pic of him in your introduction post, you must have already known that we love photos here.


You certainly came to the right place looking for info and help, we have lots of it in our many threads so browse thru them at your leisure and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Casper, how is your latest one getting on? Harvey at the moment is establishing his role in the household I would guess. As Clare said he's a bit agressive towards her and he was getting a bit of a handful for me but after going back to the books and the forum we've had a couple of productive evenings together and this morning he's been accepting treats off Clare only for good behaviour. Also we've decided that she will be the one to get him up from his sleep cage in the mornings as I always see him first in the evenings due to getting home from work earlier. He spends his days in the same room as Pippin our Cockatiel with the radio on and we're rotating his toys so hopefully he'll not become bored.


He's muttered Hello or Hello Harvey probably half a dozen times since we got him so we may have a chatterbox in years to come as I understand that it can take them a year or more to talk if they talk at all.<br><br>Post edited by: harvey, at: 2008/10/18 10:22

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is the beautiful Harvey doing?


Thanks for asking about Jasper. He is doing really well!

We had a few problems with his diet in the beginning which I have managed to sort out and the other two are slowly but surely accepting Jasper within the flock.

He can still give a nasty nip now and again but I am working on this with extra training ( and the help of his favourite pine nuts!)

He is such a joy to have, he has learnt excellent flying skills and enjoys playing, especially beak ball which always makes me laugh.

I will try and get some new pics of him soon and we can compare lovely greys.

Keep us updated with Harvey.



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