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My new baby grey


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Thanks to all of you for your comments and concerns. If I had my way and had found this baby sooner he/she would not be clipped but now I will take every precaution to protect my baby. Thanks for the tip about putting a rub around and in the bottom of the gage. I have not name he/her yet until I get the results from the DNA but I am thinking about Moses for a male and Maggie for a girl. What do all of you think a good name would be. Excitement does not even discribe how I feel right now. The butterfies are jumping!! Can't wait until 4:00 tomorrow.


Can anyone tell me how to attach one of the emotion icons to a posting.

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Just beautiful names I think Moses is the perfect Grey name and Maggie sounds like a good name for a girl also. I can't wait til you bring her/him home either. I just love the little babys with those beautiful dark eyes that just melt your heart. As soon as you get her home don't forget we need some picture, I know how excited you are and probubly a little nervous also we have all been through this Its a little scary to think of all the things a new baby needs and you probuly a little nervous wondering if your going to do something wrong. I know I was terrified and so happy at the same time. Tyco was a Rescue and I was so afaid she was going to be phobic once I brought her home. a million things go through your head and All of them are usually totaly unfounded. Tyco is the must wonderful Grey on the face of this earth and I couldn't love her more if I had got her as a baby. I'm sure you feel the exact same way about your baby also. Your probubly not going to sleep very well tonight I know I sure didn't the night before I brought Tyco home. It really is the same feeling when your bring home a brand new baby excitment, fear, inticapation, and love all rolled up together. its no wonder you have butterfly's flapping up a storm in your belly:laugh:

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