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Fly away - not

Guest Rosie

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Guest lowang59_98

Actually it is really easy to do. Might take some time. But it is the same concept of a dog retrieving a ball. With a bird though, you need a big enough room where he can fly around without hitting the walls and a high enough ceiling so that he doesn't hit it either.

Take 2 perches, place them at opposite sides of the room. When the bird flies towards you, use some sort of signal that would relate to doing this trick. When the bird comes to you, give it a treat. Place the bird down on the perch and walk to the other perch. Do the signal you want to use. When he comes to you, give him a treat. If he flies to you when you are walking to the other perch, just place him back on the perch and walk to the other perch. Keep on doing this until he/she can get the trick right. Don't reward him if he/she flies to you before you can give the command. If he/she flies to you before you give the command, then place him/her on the perch and walk to the other perch. When he/she gets it correct, give it a treat.


To make him/her go out, land and come back. Pick up your bird, and place a treat on the perch, walk to the other perch and give a command to retrieve, and move your hand up so he knows to go fly to the other perch. He/she should fly to the other perch, land and eat the treat, then you can do the other command for him to fly back. If you have problems with him flying to the other perch. Show him/her the treat and then walk away.


When I say give a command, I mean any type of hand movement, voice, or body movement, like raising your hand for it to fly. Maybe use the other hand to hold a finger up. 1 finger to return. 2 fingers to retrieve.


This is called condition response. When the bird does the right thing it gets a treat, when it don't do it right, it has to do it over.


I saw a bird show at busch gardens where the trainer sent a parakeet out to grab a 20 dollar bill from a person standing up in the audience. The funniest part about it was the guy was holding up a 5 dollar bill, the parakeet wouldn't take the money, it just kept flying around the guy. The trainer said that's not a 20, pull out a 20 dollar bill. You'll get it right back. As soon as the guy had the 20 dollar bill clear of his pocket, the parakeet flew down, snatched it out of his hand. Flew to the back of the trainer and then flew back and dropped a 1 dollar bill into the guys hands. You wouldn't even think that the parakeet had the time to drop the 20, and grab the one dollar bill, but it was just like he hadn't stopped flying. I have a friend that works there that is a mime for the shows. He took me on a back stage tour of the bird show, and I got to meet the trainer. He trained the bird the same as above and to do the one dollar bill, had a treat in the bill and stuffed into his shirt collar. The second time it returned he also got a treat.


Hope this will help ya.


Some birds will pick this easy, some hard.

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