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Fly away - not

Guest Rosie

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I don't own any kind of parrot, yet, though I'd love an African Grey but

I've been doing my homework and there is one question I haven't been able to get an answer to.


I have seen macaws at a theme park that flew round the park and returned to the stage. Also, this year at Lanzarote there were 2 greys that remained perched on the seawall every night outside the restaurant we frequented.

What I'd like to know is, why didn't they didn't fly away?


The macaws may have been carefully trained (very carefully trained I guess!)

and the greys may have had their wings clipped, but if I ever do get a parrot, I'd like to give it the freedom I have seen others get.


Has anyone any advice on this or can you direct me anywhere?

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Guest Fergison

OK...but what if someone moderated a birds ring and added a small battery (like ones in watches)...i supose that would work and the battery could be replaced.

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Guest John Myers

Why dont you ever answer questions tony?

Like when are the FBI coming for me.

Why do you tell people I post vulgar messages tony?

YOU called me a sh-t eater and told everyone my birds had died!!!

Isnt that vulgar? You have called me many things tony. And me? I have called you a TROLL and THE KING OF ALL IDIOTS.

Now thats hardly vulgar is it tony?

And its not lies either because you are an IDIOT and the world knows it. You have proved to everone what an IDIOT you are.

Me? I just agree with you and say yes YOU ARE THE KING OF IDIOTS AND A TROLL tony.

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Probably a question of the range limitations on such a thing.


They do have those RFID tags, I wonder what kind of a range you can get out of those?

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Guest Fergison

i wonder why hasn't anybody invented a sort of microchip that is also a transmiter so that even if a bird flys away you can track her/he down - something like those that endangered species get...

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Guest CreepingTerror2

Yes, it was and one I found interesting. It would be really nice to be able to have a fully flighted bird who could go outside and enjoy some real excersize. I think even if my birds were well trained I would still have concerns about hawks and things.

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Guest bennyguy

I wondered about that too in a big zoo I went to. The Macaws were flying from tree to tree and there were no nets or fences, just a tall shrubbery hedge thingy at the front gate... I have no clue why they'd not just take off into down town. Maybe they get fed really well, and on a regular schedule in the same place all the time so they think that's just the way things are supposed to be?


Interested to hear what you find out.

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Guest lowang59_98

The TROLL SPEAKS. How is this dangerous? Just like a troll to post bad advice. At least mine is sound advice. What's your problem, have you been out of your hole lately. Guess not, trolls don't leave their crap behind unless they can carry it with them,


TROLL GO AWAY!!! This is not bad advice. YOUR THE BAD ADVICE!!!


You know, there are other bird shows, in fact they change them from month to month. This way if people come back, they see a new show.

You are so brainless its no wonder you are a troll.




Throwing more Troll crap around are ya. Glad I got a Troll Crap zapper. It prevents my screen from turning the ugly brown that hangs out of your mouth. GO AWAY TROLL!


GO AWAY TROLL! You know nothing about birds.

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Guest lowang59_98

One other thing, deleting out last line OOPS! Human side showing again.


Make sure that your bird will return every time. Once he gets used to doing the tricks with the perches, try off the couch, on another person, but make sure that he/she returns to you everytime that you do the trick. I don't want you do it a couple times and then go outside and try it. He/she might get scared and fly away, and I wouldn't like to see that happen. This will take some time to do, because it may get the idea that it can go somewhere else, this is where you would pick the bird up and put it back on the perch. No treat, try trick again. You can train him/her as much as you want this way. Whatever you feel comfortable with.


Sorry for the addition, but I was running through my journal and come across that. It is extremely important. Make sure he/she always comes back to you before trying this in unfamilair surroundings.

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Guest John Myers

months. I dont know how he escaped the local sparrow Hawk!

He was caught twice before I got him and each time he escaped. He now lives with Old Molly who loves him dearly.

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Guest MorningDove16

Don't you get it? Tony is just a troll. He lives to stir up trouble, and waste


this forum is about African Greys - not arguing about who's smarter, who's the name-caller, or even who started it. Jeez! It's sounding like a day-care in here!


bickering, and let's get back to the subject.


Bass Wishes from South Florida


Reply by email to k a z e e jk at ay-oh-well dot com.

Just remove the spaces, fix the last part, and so on.

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Guest Fergison

RFID? sorry, what?

i know that they have those satellites for mobile phones and they can track someones position anywhere on earth....maybe it would be a bit too expensive i was thinking more like those that they use on animals. a chip on a animal sends a signal and they have those little "radios" that beep louder and faster if the animal is near....so if a bird flys away you need to walk around and figure out where the signal is coming from.....i think that's quite simple and shouldn't be so expensive.

maybe somebody should e-mail "animal planet" and ask for more information.

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Guest lowang59_98

That is an interesting Idea, how about using a self winding mechanism where you have to move it back and forth. They come really small, but

I can't think of a place to put it, maybe in a ring around the foot.

In my opinion, I really don't like the idea of surgical implants. Too many things can go wrong, such as rejection, infection, and other serious things. Not to say that will always happen, but there is always a chance.


My philosophy is, If you take your bird to a place that you know it can get away, be scared, or be stolen, god forbid, then never take your eye off your bird, they will get in trouble the instant you do..

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Guest lowang59_98

So the child calls a me child. Oh that was so intelligent Ray, especially for a Troll. You fit the description of a troll so well that it hurts doesn't it Ray. Does lower form of life on the internet fit all too well. Get a life dude. You need one bad. What's the matter have nothing else better to do than to just sit there, watch your birds and post flame messages to me.

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Guest John Myers

Birds of prey used for Falconry in the UK have transmitters attatched to their tails. Its called tellematry (hope the spellings right).

It makes it easy to find them if they fly away.

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