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Tyco created her own foraging spot. I gave her a nice thick news paper to shread up and I put it on the grate of her cage she proceeded to sheard the news paper so the whole grate in her cage was a huge pile of news paper. then she went up to her dish and started Tossing every peice of fruit and veggie into this pile of news paper. I thought she just didn't want them but she did she just wanted to forage for them she went down to the bottom and started seaching through the paper and when she found somthing she sat there and enjoyed it and then went to look for something else. It was quite something to watch. I guess birds really like to forage for their food I'm going to have to get her some more foraging toys or make some different ones. She obviously loved it

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Thanks for this post Tyco's Mom. It re-enforces something I've been thinking about alot. I pick up my baby grey in mid-November and since I'm retired and therefore have oodles of free time, I've been toying with the idea of having my new grey forage for the majority of its food. In that respect, I have purchased lots of foraging toys. What is the opinion of our experienced grey owners? Is this a good idea as long as at the end of the day, alot of food is available in the food bowls?

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Well how clever is that?:) It's amazing how they can put a plan together on their own and carry out. I bet you were amazed with her. I am so jealous too because I have tried foraging toys with Baxter in several different ways and he is totally not interested in it all. If he has to work for it, he don't want it:P

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I think foraging for food is a wonderful Idea as long as your bird is able to get to the food eventually you will have to teach your baby how to work the foraging toys and after that I would go for it. I really think they enjoy there food more when they have to look for it. Tyco would never eat a raw carrot but when she threw it into the news paper and had to find it first she ate the whole thing. to me she can make as much mess as she likes if it makes her eat her veggies I'm all for it.

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