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Changing your birds name? Please advise!


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I have been looking online for another bird for my flock and have come across several, some aren't exactly what I'm looking for, some have been but yet, just not right. I'm still waiting for my bird to find me, I don't want to rush.B) However, as I've been looking I've noticed that some of these birds have really, really odd names that I just can't imagine myself saying for the next 50 years :blink: . My aunt suggested that I could always change it, and if that were a dog or cat I would have no problem, but with birds they are more like your children and I think I would feel guilty changing it, like I am taking away their identity, do you know what I mean? :dry:


If I do get a rescue bird, what do you think about changing it's name? I am chatting with a lady right now about her DYH Amazon, but it's name is Bubba lol :laugh:


Am I being shallow?





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I've been milling around several names for my new Tag when I get him. But I haven't settled on one because I don't know my new friend yet. I'm sure the previous owners had a good reason for naming the Amazon Bubba. In my opinion unless it says, "Hi, my name is Bubba." You should pick a name that you are comfortable with and fits your new friend's personality as you see it. Good Luck on getting your new friend.

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LOL :woohoo: I love that song. Whew, I'm glad I won't feel like a mongrel when I do decide on a different name - if I do decide to get him that is. ;) Hm...now. What name? My cats name is Achillies, I think I will stick with the Roman / Greek god theme.... :P

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I was one who actually did change a greys name. He was 12 years old when I adopted him this last July. His name was Homie and was given to him cuz previous family watched In Living Color and he was named after "Homie Da Clown" LOL:laugh: (I loved Homie Da Clown) I didn't mind the name but my husband really hated it. I felt so guilty and had alot of mixed feelings cuz I didn't know if it would be right or not but we did change it to Baxter:) It did seem to fit him better.


He said Homie all the time when we got him, come ere Homie, Hi Homie, etc, but after a couple weeks he quit saying it all together. He does say Baxter now:woohoo: Not very often but he says it. He learned right away that when I approached him I called him Baxter and he responded to it right away. Any time I say Baxter he knows who I am talking to:) Hope that helps.


Just for fun every now and then I will say Hi Homie to him and he does remember the name and starts saying it again for a day. But if I don't remind him, he doesn't say it.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/10/15 20:54

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I have a Yellow crowned Amazon and when I got her she was called Apple jack I hate the name Jack and thats what she was called most of the time. every Jack I've ever met has been a Jack-Ass to say the very least. I change her name to Fergie it just seemed to fit her and she never seemed to care she loves her new name I made up a little love song to go with it and she dances and gets all excited when I sing it to her. So I would say if you want to change the name go ahead I don't think the bird will mind one way or the other. I was going to change Tyco's name when I found out she was a girl and not a boy but Tyco seemed to suit her so I let her keep it besides I kinda like her name.

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Well, I have adopted many birds, and I changed names too! My first grey was called Tabu, which was a congolese name so I kept it that way. My old amazon's name was Lorre, but in the past many of the birds( especially amazons) in Holland had that name, so I changed it to "Borre", a name from a children's book. Then I got the rosella, whose name was "Coco", which is also a very common name here in Holland. I re-named him "Asterix", after a comics character very similar to his character. There has been another Coco, a grey, who was going to stay here. I had already re-named her "Catootje" but sadly enough she suffered from hypocalcemia and died. The third Coco is my blue-fronted amazon, now called "Cootje". My Yellow Crowned Amazon was first called "Ruby", because the owner thought that it was a female bird. But it proved to be a male, and I re-named him "Rumi"after the famous persian poet who wrote a lovely story about a parrot.


Of these birds, Asterix and Cootje don't speak. Borre could speak very well, but parrot speech is like ventriloquizing: they have no lips, so they can't pronounce many consonants. "Lorre"and "Borre"sound just the same. And there's not a real difference between "Ruby"and "Rumi".


Fernando came from the asylum, after he was left behind in a house. They called him "Fernando"at the asylum, but I think his name was "Jipje" or "Jobje", because he keeps saying it. He listens to his name "Fernando", though.

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  • 6 months later...

This is great you guys! I was wondering if I could change a name, I read somewhere online that it is a good idea, new home, new identity etc. for them. I'm gonna do it.



Um, BTW. I have always wanted a tiny dog, think Yorkie or Doxie, and when I get him or her, his/her name will be "Bubba", I think it is hilarious! Lol!

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  • 8 months later...

Our grey was named Grumpy as a very young bird. He is now 18. About 3 months ago a friend of ours bought him, and called him Happy. He quickly found out that being home alone all day was not good for him, and just before Christmas, brought him to live at our house where he gets a lot of attention. We were trying to decide whether or not to change his name. I asked him. "Are you Grumpy?" and he nodded his head excitedly- so he gets to keep his name. We are doing all we can to make Grumpy a happy bird!

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