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New Baby on the way


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In two day I will pick up my new 13 week old african grey baby. It's taken a long time and a lot of research but we have finally decided on becoming a grey owner or have come grey owned. Have not had my baby sexed yet. She/he is very smart and will already step up on commend. Was hand raised by a female but picked me the first time a saw him/her. Will let you rub his/her head and back and likes to be held close. I have been reading all of your comments for the last several months and want to thank all of you for this wonderful website. I know I will have a lot of questions and would appreciate any help you can give a new dad. I will keep you posted on our progress. I am not to good on a computer but will try to figure out how to put some pictures on here as soon as I can. Can't wait to bring my new baby home.

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I bet you can't WAIT! And good for you for doing research before you made the decition to bring a parrot into your life. Im sure you have seen that everyone here is more than happy to answer any question you have, and I always say that I would rather answer a million "stupid" quetions than hear one sad story, so don't think that anything isn't worth asking.;)


As for the pics we ALL want to see them, so the best way to do it is make an account with www.photobucket.com (its free) and put your pictures on that site and then post the {IMG} code for the pic to show in the forum posts.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/10/15 04:16

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Thank for your response and I know I will have a ton of questions. The breeder we are getting our baby from has already clipped his/her wings. I have read that some say you should clip there wing and some say not to. What is your opion?

Do greys like a certain color cage better. We are trying to decide on grey or white. Is one sex smarter or talk better than the other. You said no dum questions, Ha Ha.

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I'm not a fan of wing clipping but for those that feel that they must or want to------

The wings shouldn't have be clipped until the bird has built up strength in the breast/muscle area which entails loads of flapping. The bird should learn to be coordinated and able to fly before a decision about wing clipping can be made. All of that doesn't finish happening until the bird is about 6 to 8 mts old. You'll have to watch your bird very carefully now and watch out concerning the bird falling. You should get a small throw rug and surround the cage so that he dosn't bounce off of the floor and possibly crack any breast bones.

"""Is one sex smarter or talk better than the other""

The answer to both of those question is no.

"""Do greys like a certain color cage better"""They like the color of the cage that they come home to.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/15 04:39<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/15 05:39

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When it comes to wing clipping, it is best to let them fledge first (learn to fly) and then clip. I think that when it comes to parrots after fledging it's really what works best for you. If you are able to parrot proof your entire house and take extra security to make sure there is no chance for escape then it's great to have a fully flighted bird. If you have a house where the doors are always being opened, and hazards that can not be changed then clipping is the right choice for you. Also, some parrots get testy and almost mean when fully flighted so clipping can get them to calm down and enjoy human company more.


Males and females are both just as smart in the parrot world and both speak just as good.


I have read that darker cages are better to look through. I have a dark grey cage for Elmo and my large flights for my finches are dark. My hospital cage for the finches is white though and I have noticed that the birds look better in the darker color cages. But if white works in your decor then go for the white.B)

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Congratulations on your new grey. You will be so glad that you read lots before bringing her home because you wlil feel so much more prepared.


There are lots of threads about wing clipping on the forum, just type wing clip in the search box up the top to find them;)


On the subject of cages. Personally I think the 3 most important things about cages are that 1. they are safe, 2. they are big enough and 3. that you feel that you can look at it for the next 10 or 20 years, or however long it lasts. Cages are expensive so you probably wont be changing the cage until it gets damaged. The grey is relatively small but the cage will be a large item of furniture in your house:P

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Hi. The cage for your grey is your choice.You must live with it. I prefere a bird to be a bit older before wing clipping but as yours has been clipped already just be careful incase he/she has a falls.Putting an old rug under the cage is a good idea. Also if the bird appears a bit unsure in the cage, a folded towel or blanket on the base will help soften a fall,you can cover this with newspaper. Good luck and keep us all informed of your greys arrival home.

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Congratulations on getting a new baby grey! I wish you many happy years of companionship and love together.


I also believe the babies should be allowed to fledge and gain their confidence before being clipped. It helps them emotionally later in life. Since yours is already clipped perhaps once the wings grow out again you can allow him to learn to fly.

If you like the white cage better then get it, but it will be harder to see the bird inside in a light colored cage. I don't think the bird will care either way what color his home is. ;)

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I remember the three days before I got my grey, I was so excited I was very ill to my stomach and didn't sleep a wink! I kid you not! :laugh: I know how you feel and wanting to do everything right. You're off on a good foot by doing your homework :)


I agree with fledging, and what the others have said about boys and girls being equally impressive talkers. I have a male and he talks a TON. Woody is fully flighted - I have a cat and if, if, IF godforbid something were to happen with Achillies (mah putty)and Woody I would want him to have a chance of getting away. I also live in an apartment so if he did fly out the door it would just be into a long hallway. I also prefer A/C to open windows :);)


Woody's cage is white, sometimes I wish I had gotten a darker one, but he doesn't seem to mind :P

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Congrats on getting your baby.So glad you did some research before getting the baby. We would like to see a picture when she/he arrives.


Cages: i think as long as the cage is big enough it should be good enough, Charlie does not really worry what color his cage is just as long as he has his toys and food in it. Any name yet for the baby? :)

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Congrats on getting your baby.So glad you did some research before getting the baby. We would like to see a picture when she/he arrives.


Cages: i think as long as the cage is big enough it should be good enough, Charlie does not really worry what color his cage is just as long as he has his toys and food in it. Any name yet for the baby? :)

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I have a white cage for Tyco and sometimes I wish I didn't she tends not to poop in her cage so when she poops she stands on the door or the top of her cage and poops off the side and every bit of poop shows on a white cage. I'm constatantly haveing to wash the cage bars down because the color white shows everything in some ways its good because her cage is constantly being cleaned but I have a grey cage for my amazon she does the same thing but the poop don't show as much so I just thoroly clean her cage once a week and change the papers daily. the white cage is definatly more work to keep clean.

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Congradulations on the your new baby!!! :) And welcome to the forum.


I have a white cage and I really like it. I intentionally set out to find a white cage. Tycosmom was right that the poop shows up every time it happens:laugh: which causes me to wipe it down much more ofen but it always looks nice and clean. Baxter had a dark greyish cage before and I thought he blended right into it. I think he looks better in a white cage.


I guess the safety of the cage is the main thing but you do have to look at it for a long long time which should be considered too.


I had a million questions when I first got Baxter and everyone was right there willing to help me. This place is great for that and I always say the only stupid question is the one that is not asked;)

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