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need advice please!!


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ok for those of u that dont know. i have 2 cags luigi is 2 jack is 15.. iv had luigi since he was a baby but jack i got about 6 weeks ago, hes 15 and very vicious, but strangely he now lets me stroke him, handle him and he even regergatates for me.. weird i know it soo soon. anyway i want to now be able to have them out playing together how will i go about this, im worried that they will attack eachother...

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Hi Tony,


Have their cages been near to each other ? Have they interacted at all ? The only way really to go about it is to let them out under close supervision.Watch closely for signs of jealousy or incompatibility. Closely monitor both birds and be alert for pulling feathers, biting, screaming, lunging, and other signs of aggression. If these behaviours occur, separate the birds .A little beaking ,testing each other with their beaks is quite normal & shouldn't last,this is acceptable,but any of the above aggression,separate them for their own safety.

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I agree with Tracy. Maybe put them on a tree stand together and stay within arms reach and if any of the behaviors that Tracy pointed out start separate them.


It good to hear that the new grey is warming up to you. I have found that most of the "mean" birds are anything but. Most of the time the mean birds had been abused and acted out like any anomal would and got labeled at unhandlable. Once they know someone is going to be nice to them they are sweet as pie.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/10/15 00:03

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HI Tony. Try the introduction in neutral territory.A room they are both not too familiar with would be great. Supervise them very closely. Do this on a number of occasions untill both are ok. then try the meetings in the room where the cages are.You may not get them to be friendley in the same cage,greys can be teritorial. Be carefull if you are handling both birds at once,this can also be a flash point. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Sheila

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I had two conures that did not get along.

I placed the cages close to one another and allowed one out at a time. One day Sam and the next day Sam 2.

after a few times doing this allowed them both out.

It did work and now they share the same cage.

It might work for greys also? I just got my first grey and still new with them

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I would mabie separate their cages a little and let them out together with a largr enough space between them that they can't reach each other. let them get to know each other from a distance first then slowly move their cages a little closer. My amazon and my Grey are now good friends but that wasn't always the case. They have always been in the same room with each other and I open all my birds cages at 8am and they are open all day long. one day Fergie(amazon) made the first move over to Tycos cage. she got chased away but within a few day Tyco went over to her cage and Fergie didn't chase her away she just went into her cage. I guess to let Tyco know that she didn't want a confrontation. since that day they have been pretty good friends not real close but they don't fight with each other either. Tyco loves to come over and vist Fergie and dump all her food dishes out. She is such a brat that way. All her dishes are locked down because of her dumping them. Fergies aren't because she doesn't do that. Tyco can't dump hers so she dumps fergies instead. The things we put up with for the love of birds eh.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/10/17 00:32

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