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hi from ron.sylvia and dusty


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hi can I tell you about our CAG we called him dusty and he lives up to his name we got him in April he is 10 mouths old he loves his food he eats most of the veg that we eat and will try any thing now, he likes tea and toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and veg or rice for tea as well as his normal seed and fruit diet

his favoured reward is cheese savouries biscuits

he hasn't stared talking yet but he trying hard to talk

we let him fly all over the house and the computer room is a sort of Avery, and wont keep of the furniture, he is lots of fun and we love him to bits dusty lets us both stroke him he dos not bite any more th_dustyartcritick.jpg


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Hello Ron and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Dusty.


It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with Dusty and he seems to be easy to please and I imagine he will start talking at anytime now.


For lots of useful information read thru the many threads and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Do you have any pictures of Dusty you would like to share with us, we would love to see him.

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