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Cute traditions you have with your Grey


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I was looking around the forum and saw a post where someone said they like to give their Grey warm water in the mornings while s/he is having hot tea. (Sorry, I forget who said it!) It made me wonder what other interesting traditions people have with their Greys. So whether it's daily, weekly, monthly, or even annually, SPILL! I'm curious =)

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I watch the tv show "Heroes" with chloe and eat a bag of popcorn each episode. I sit Indian style on the couch and she sits on my knee. And every time something crazy happens on the show I yell out "No way, did you see that coming? I know me either trip out" And she obviously has no clue what I'm saying but she gets super excited because I get excited. That's if she's not too busy stuffing her face with popcorn at the time. I have to eat the non butter no salt stuff for her sake which is pretty friggin gross but I get payback when she reaches her head in the bag to get popcorn sometimes i tilt it down and she slips inside the bag and it looks like the popcorn is popping all over again. It's like a little kid in one of those chuck e. cheese plastic ball play pen things. I'm evil I know but she gets me good when it comes to other things so pay back's a ***** :D

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Probably our most set-in tradition is Lullaby Time. Each evening before her bedtime, I take Max out of her cage, cover the cage, sit Indian style in the armchair in the corner and play one side of a particular Zamfir (flute music) tape. (We've been listening to the same one at bedtime for at least 10 months now.) As soon as I'm seated, Max crawls up onto my left shoulder and starts settling down, gritching her beak - sometimes looking for a head scritch. It's a nice peaceful pattern we both expect now.

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Me and Baxter do the dishes together almost every night. I do dishes the old fashioned way by hand:( so in order to make it a little less dreadful I started bringing Baxters perch in and setting in on the counter or sometimes I just set him on my shoulder. He absolutely loves it!!:laugh: It is one of his favorite things. He talks, he sings, he actually laughs too & he bobs his head up and down. I get so cracked up with him now I looking forward to doing the dishes:woohoo:

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Each night before Mika goes to bed we read a story, he is already in his cage and ready for bedtime, climbs up on his perch and waits till I get his books right now his favorites are "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom", or "Oh the Places You'll Go" he loves his story time and when the book closes he climbs down on his sleeping perch and its goodnite for him. I love this time together every night.


Carolyn & Mika

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Every evening when I come home from work Fernando, my TAG, is sitting in the front window and starts to whistle when he sees me. One of the other parrots always says "Heyyy, hellooo!"


Then I give them all some seeds to nibble on before they go to bed. First the amazons, and then Fernando, my rosella and the lovebirds. Climbing the stairs I sing songs, I whistle a tune and Fernando whistles along, his head bobbing and he's making clicking sounds too. In the parrot bedroom I talk in a low voice and say goodnight.


Fernando sometimes loves wild games. He tries to bite my shoes or even my bare feet. He comes very sneaky on tiptoe to do so... When I have my slippers on, I take them off and say: "Watch it, Fernando, I'm going parrot-slapping! I hit the floor with the slippers, and he jumps up and down, saying "Come, come!"


Sometimes we watch tv together. Fernando loves watching movies like "Lord Of The Rings", and he's very good at mimicking the "Ringwrights". When we watch tv, he often comes sitting on my knee. He also likes jazzy music, he mostly starts dancing when he hears it. My parrots clearly have a different taste in music!

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