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Is this biting?


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I have started to allow Alfie to come out of his cage and go back in when he is ready. Last night when he went back into his cage I left him for a few minutes and then went over to close his door, but he came over to me so I put my hand in towards him and he gently nibbled my finger. He didn't apply much pressure, but when he got to my nail he snapped it. Was he being aggressive or is the nibbling ok? Thanks for any help x

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The gentle nibbling is okay, greys use their beaks as we would our hands. He does need to learn when he is using too much pressure though.

Keep in mind that most greys are kind of territorial about their cages. I would work with him more in a neutral territory away from his cage.

It sounds like you are making great progress with your grey and you should keep up the good work. When he starts to bite too hard, give him a dirty look and say "No" or "no bite" and then turn your back on him and ignore him for a bit or return him to his cage. Do not give a lot of attention for the bite however or he will be excited and try to do it again just for the reaction- they like the drama.

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Yes I see what you mean about them being territorial about their cages. Alfie gets quite defensive while he is in his cage if anyone tries to interact with him in there, but seems better when he is out. I will keep this in mind, thanks for your quick reply x

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You're welcome! Glad I could help. Their cage is their safe place and most don't like it disturbed too much. It's better to work with your training and interactions away from it. I'm happy you are working with Alfie and making a better life for him. :)

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Mischief will take her beak and use it to push my hand away if she doesn't want to come out of her cage, or if she doesn't want to go in to her cage. If I try to have her step up again, she does the same thing. If I try it a third time she starts to wonder why I haven't gotten the picture yet and will give my finger a small nibble. It's nothing that really hurts, but I'm sure if I did it again she would break the skin if needed. I never try to force her to do something she doesn't want to do. She is usually good about knowing when I'm leaving or when it is bedtime.


I don't take it the wrong way. It's her trying to communicate to me, and I'm not listening! :lol:

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Baxter was doing this to me for awhile. I thought it was a new game and it was so fun. He would take my fingers in his mouth and just nibble on them one by one. No real pressure untill he came to a fingernail and he just loves to try to snap it. I did noticed the longer I let him play with my fingers like that he more pressure he started putting on them:unsure: Like he was testing me or something:evil: He would/will also grab one of my fingers with his foot (and won't let go) and start nibbling on another finger. It is soooo cute but like I said as time went on the pressure got more and more untill I started getting uncomforatble with it. Can't say he ever bit down on me like a real bite but I am thinking it's just a matter of time. I don't let him to it very often anymore cuz I think he is getting more aggressive and pushing his limits. I really do think it's all in good fun though. :)<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/10/14 20:56

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