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Hello from lurker..

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Just thought I'd say Hi here in the welcome room. You probably won't hear too much from me as I'm more of a lurker and reader. I'm researching getting a first parrot for my Dad and eventually me.. This is only the beginning of my research though, so it will probably be 6+ months before I'm actually bringing one home if we get one at all.

My husband and I already have a slew of other pets, but, have been toying with the idea of a bird for awhile. He never has been around a bird and I've only ever had a couple parakeets and a dove. Well, unless chickens and pheasants count..

If someone could refer me to some good articles on nutrition and feeding plans that would be really helpful. I'm one of those crazy nuts that make their own dog and cat food to make sure I know what goes into it. But, perhaps the bird food industry isn't as bad as dog and cat foods? Anyhow, links to some good articles would be appreciated..

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Hello Jennifer and welcome to the family, so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this quest to see if a grey is the right fit for you and your Dad.


You will find lots of good reading on grey nutrition in the bird food room and the nursery room. We have some very knowledgeable people who can answer most any questions you may have so please just browse around do ask any and all questions. We try to be as helpful as we can here and all you have to do is ask and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hi Jennifer, welcome here. It's great you are doing your research prior to jumping into the world of owning a grey. They are a lifetime commitment and do take lots of patience and work, but it is definitely worth it. I hope you find the answers you are looking for here. If you are very particular about what you feed your animals you may want to look into Harrison's organic diets for birds. Just do a search on the web and you'll find them easily.

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Hi Jennifer

Welcome to the grey forum, I am so glad to hear that you are doing lots of research before you decide to get a grey. They are an extremely rewarding pet when cared for properly and reading some of the information here will definitely help you there.


Feel free to read as much as you can but if you do have any questions, no matter how small, we will be glad to help if we can;)



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Hi Jennifer!


Well, I'm very happy to read about your research before buying a grey. I wish more people did that!


I give my birds also Harrisson's organic food. But in the morning they get fresh cooked beans, raw veggies, fruit and walnut. Walnut is important because of the calcium level. Here in Holland too many adopted birds suffer from hypocalcemia, because they had only seeds and a little fruit for years. So I give them a "calcium boost" by giving walnut and broccoli.


BTW the Harrisson's site has also a lot of information, and if you have any question about the pellets, they will always answer. I once got even a mail from Dr. Harrisson himself! If you like to prepare your own special parrot food: there are also recipe books with delicious meals for parrots.

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Research is so important when getting any pet, especially the exotics such as parrots. If only everyone did this we would have far fewer parrots in rescue situations or living a misserable existance.I am always made up when I hear of someone taking the time to learn about the pros and cons of parrots and the care they need. Sheila

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