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CAG doesnt want to stay inside the cage


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i've got my CAG for more than a month now her wings are clipped my problem is that she doesnt want to stay in her cage everytime i leave for work. She will just perch on top of her cage or just go on top of the budgies cage but never inside her cage. When i arrive home i would see her same place where i left her. Is this alright or must i insist on her staying inside her cage when i go for work eventhough she would start screaming/crying?

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Yes she needs to be inside her cage with the door closed while you are gone to work or anytime you leave the house. They can get into anything and she could hurt herself or get killed. She may look like she never moved from where she was when you left her but she could chew into electrical cords or ingest something she finds, I wouldn't want to take the risk.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey.:)

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You might try making cage time fun time by adding special toys, treats and foraging activities only when you are about to leave. This will get your bird in the cage (so you can close the door behind her) and keep her busy enough to leave the house w/o having to listen to "don't leave me" squaks.


No matter how much ou trust your pet, she is an animal and does not have the self control than many humans do. She should not be left out while you are working. Judy is 1,000,000% right about this.The cool thing about keeping your baby safe in her cage all day is you get to come home to a hearty series of "welcome home" squaks every time you return. It makes you feel like a million bucks!

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I know how hard it is to lock them up. I have a Amazon and everytime I tell her I have to go to work she will go on and on saying its not fair Its just not fair. talk about make a person feel guilty. I make sure she has lots todo in her cage while I'm gone. I work from 430pm til 11 pm and her bedtime is 8pm so I have the lights on a timer they shut off at 8pm so she might be in her cage for 3 hours and I only work 3 days a week and she still makes me feel like the meanest mama in the world when I have to go to work and she has to be in her cage. My point is we all feel bad having to lock up our birds but they do find things todo and if you put a vidio in her room and watched it I bet that as soon as you walk out the door she stops screaming and gets on with her day. They have to be locked up when your not home so don't worry about it and your bird will soon adjust and may even start enjoying her time. mabie turn the radio or tv on for her to keep her company when your not there. and make some fun stuff for her todo inside her cage. Like Jen sugested.

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I regularly leave Misty out when I go out and he is as good as gold. Even my computer keyboard is untouched by him even though when I am with him he loves to try and "service" it for me!

However I am sure he is an exception. I spend most of my day with him and he is fully flighted and skilled as a parrotpilot. He has a good sized multi branched perch with lots of hanging play things on it and he is quite territorial and possessive of it.

He is six years old and well tuned to my way of life.

I would not leave a clipped bird out If I were away. Clipped birds are at real risk from flying accidents especially if they are startled.

Just my 2c.


Steve n Misty

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I put my new baby in her cage whenever I leave the room. She is very curious and if I leave her she would head for anything she could get ahold of or for the door after me. I don't want to take the chance of anything happening to her. I just pick her up, I want her always to know both the step up and two handed pick up because I want to be able to get her in an emergency quickly. I also cover her with a towel frequently so she will not be afraid just in case I or someone has to get her quickly. Paranoia maybe but I now have two pets I luv with all my heart and I don't want to lose either one.

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