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his bitting me


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Hi im a new member so dont know if iv done this right. my promlem is i have a grey his two years old now, he was very loving and would only come to me and he had never bitten me befor, but for the last few weeks he has bitten me quite a few times and its not been just a little nip, he has broken the skin and bruised me quite bad, this has realy upset me and iv lost all trust in him, and now i dont know wat to do please help many thanks.

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Hello Maxwell, welcome here. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your grey. Greys sometimes go through a little period of bad attitudes around 2 years old, "terrible twos". This is like the equivalent of a teenager in humans. They are testing you to see what they can get by with and establishing some independence. Please don't give up on your grey. If he bites you, try not to holler, return him to his cage for a 10 minute time-out and try with him again later. He may be expressing his displeasure with something as well, has something changed in his environment or your appearance?

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I too think he is establishing some independence and setting his boundaries, he's not a little baby any longer and he wants a say in what he will do and not do so give him a little space and please don't give up on him, he needs to know he can trust you to be there for him.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey.:)

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the only thing that has changed is that we have a puppy do you think that might be it. also iv never been able to get him to come onto my hand the only time he dose is when he is on the floor then he will.and he will only sit on my head or he panics and is still very nervious, iv had him nearly two years now.

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The puppy getting attention could cause severe jealously in your Grey and as others have said, they are showing independence at 2 also.


When they become jealous, they will bite and nip you to get your attention and will also start attacking the party whom has brought on the loss of attention.


The best thing to do, is to ensure you give your grey his time for attention when you normally do, so he/she knows you still love him/her. You may need to cage your grey and go spend some romping and cuddle time with your puppy in a different room out of sight.


My wife was sitting and reading to one of our young grandchildren last night with the child in her lap. Dayo climbed down the chair, down the front of my wifes shirt and pecked the child on top of the head. Then proceded over to my wifes arm and nipped her, then down her arm and nipped the grand childs arm. This went on for three iterations when my wife realized he was jealous, not playing. :-) She caged our Grey until she was done reading to our grandchild.


Just thought I would share a real example of just how jealous our greys are of our time and attention. :-)

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Good afternoon, I beg your pardon but I find this subject interesting. I was told that a Parrot feels safe in his cage, so if he bites you should you be putting him back in his cage immediately. Won't he learn to bite you everytime he wants to go back to his cage? I only ask because I have also been told to give the parrot a time out if he bites.

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I guess it comes down to what the parrot wants? If he enjoys being out of the cage and being in your company, then getting put back in the cage and ignored will work as a punishment - negative association.


On the other hand, if he's doing it because he wants you to stop doing something (like Nicky wanting me to stop making him step-up :P ) and you stop and go away, he gets what he wants - positive association! Then there are the terrible twos like Lyric mentioned...so you have to look at the circumstances of the bite.


(I'm a great one to talk - me with six bruises a week from Nicky being stubborn)

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The new puppy really could be causing the behavior problems you are seeing now. Greys don't like big changes in their lives and I'm sure he is seeing the puppy get a lot of attention that he is used to getting himself. Try to spend some special one-on-one time with your grey and reestablish your relationship with each other. I'd also recommend that you take him to another room away from his cage and work on the step-up command. This is a majorly important thing with birds, like teaching a dog to come and sit- it is one of the basics. Good luck to you!

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Thank you for all your advice i will try them all. my grey max is very stubborn bird and i would love it if i could teach him the step up as iv never been able to get him to go on my hand, he will come onto my sholder. And he is a very good talker. I just cant belive he could turn on me like that as i dont realy pay that much attention to the dog. And now he is letting my partner tickle and kiss him as befor max would not let him near him, so i guess he is trying to make me jeleous.

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Hi, I would also suggest that you need to give him some space but please dont ignore him. I think that he is testing you. Still show him that you care and he will cool off and it wont be long then you will be his number1. He must be jeleous of the puppy so i also suggest to give them attention and love seperately so that both of them feels important. Good Luck and keep us updated. Please dont give up on him

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Hi, I would also suggest that you need to give him some space but please dont ignore him. I think that he is testing you. Still show him that you care and he will cool off and it wont be long then you will be his number1. He must be jeleous of the puppy so i also suggest to give them attention and love seperately so that both of them feels important. Good Luck and keep us updated. Please dont give up on him

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He does need you he's just letting you know that he still wants to be first in your life. I would definatly star some traing sessions in a room away form distractions. not only will he learn how to step up but it will also give you some time together to reestablish the bond you have with each other. It will help him to relize that there is no need to be jealous of the dog.

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Hi there well i took all of your advice i took him out of this cage this morning my partner took the dog out for a bit, max started asking me for a kiss well lets just say i ended up in hospital and needed four stitches in me lip, he bit me that hard it went right though my lip and he would not let go. Im so upset that a bird that was so loving and devoted to me could turn on me just like that. And i dont undersatand i never really took that much notice of the dog. Iv lost all my trust in him now the bit was bad just scared now wat other damage he could do to me.

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OMG, I am so sorry to hear of the severe bite you received. I know you must be very frightened of him and lost trust also.


This is a very alarming situation that you will need to handle carefully. Knowing how he has become unpredictable, you will need to stop any access above your elbow. You will really need to pay close attention to his body language to avoid any further bites.


I know it has broken your trust and perhaps a little of your love for him, but don't let that continue. You know he is a great bird you have enjoyed a relationship with up to now. This is something that is going to take time, patience and diligence in trying to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.


There are many people here with decades of experience with Greys that will be more than happy to help you with this situation. I am sure they will chime in too.


Just stay in contact and ask all the questions you wish. :-)

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I am so sorry to hear of the behavior change, and bite. It could be a combination of many things all that have been mentioned. You need to teach this bird some manners. First and most important Step up, and no more shoulder. Dont give up..and keep us posted.

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I just dont know wat to do he seems so aggresive when i go near him, i just dont trust him anymore im thinking of finding him a new home but with someone who is very exoerianced with greys, he used to be such a loving bird, how am i supposed to handle him when he bites me everytime i go near him.

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Ok, in reading all your posts, I get the following information regarding your almost 2 year relationship with your Grey:


1) You have never been successful at getting him to step up


2) He has always either sat on your head or shoulder


3) He lets you partner give him scratches and kisses. Does this mean your partner has him on his hand or lap?


4) He has always been such a loving bird. How so, if you have never been able to get him to step up, sit on your hand, arm or lap?


Please do not give up on Max. I know you have received a terrible bite, perhaps with permanent facial scaring, but please try to overcome your fear. Reflect upon the love and joy you have received from him.


The bottom line is, he is an unruly 2 year old, untrained and never required to conform to any ground rules from what I can glean from this thread.


It will take time to get the ground rules accepted by him, but they must be established.


1) Do not allow him above the middle of your Arm


2) If he wants to be on you or your partner, he must step up onto your hand or arm only.


3) If he bites when trying to get a step up, put him back in his cage or if still in it, close the door and walk away to another room. Tell him "No Bite" sternly while staring him directly in his eye(s) so he knows you mean business.


These 3 things will establish the ground rules to properly interact with you. Once you get these working, then further bonding and contact such as scratches, consistent step ups and the like will develop over time.


The trust and respect for one another will take some time to rebuild, but it will happen.


I hope this helps.

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Thank you for reading all my posts, i will try and reply to all of your questions,iv never been able to get him to step up onto my hand when he is in his cage or on his perch, but if he is on the floor or furniture he will step up for me.When i have him on my hand all he wonts to do is go on my shoulder or my head i did not know that was the wrong thing to do untill now.He has only resently started letting my partner touch him but only when he is in his cage my parter has never handled him.when he is on my shoulder or even on his cage or perch he would let he do anything to him, tickle him kiss him play games with him, he would rub his head against my cheak even fall asleep on my shoulder.I realy wont to keep him iv always wonted a grey and for the past two years he has been fine and i thought i was doing all the right things, now i find out i was not,He is a excellent talker and picks up words realy quick its funny realy the only word that we have never been able to get him to say is mummy, He is so funny and has given us so many days of fun listening to him.I realy hope i can overcome my fear of him and try again please after reading this post anymore info would be appreciated. Hope all the info i have given you will help you determine wat iv been doing wrong and right thankyou again look forward to hearing from you again.

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Sorry you got such a nasty bite.My advise is similar to what you have already recieved.Parrots need ground rules to be set at an early age rather like a child.At two your grey is exerting his bid for dominance,it is quite common. Step up should be learnt at a very early age so that when this time comes you have a bird who is no stranger to being asked what to do.It is not too late to start.First off it will not happen over night.



get your confidence back. feed him treats by hand and interact by talking to him and whistles,changing feed dishes, cleaning his cage.Do not let him close to your face or shoulder.


Have a stand or perch ready in another room to his cage that he is not familiar with.Take him to this room and place him on the stand.Using a suitable stick/perch place this in front of him saying step up or on or up anyone will do as long as you use just one all the time.I say use a stick as you may not wish to offer your hand just yet. Have treats at hand and as you give the command with the stick close to his feet and chest,lure him forward onto the stick with the treat. Some may say press the stick to his chest to encorage him,this is another way but I feel coaxing will work better for you.If he even raises a foot towards the stick lavish him with praise,good boy, clever bird,ect and give him a small treat.If he shows any sign of biting ignore it completely at all cost.Is he clipped.I would not normally sugest this but it would help a lot. If you get him clipped have a vet do it.After a few sessions he should get the hang of stepping on to the stick for a treat at the command.


step 3

when he is stepping on to the stick consistantly,move your hand closer and closer to his feet on the stick untill he is stepping on to your fingers on the stick. gradually fase out the stick and replace with yout hand.


when he is stepping onto your hand from the stand move the stand to the room with the cage and practice their.If he goes back in training go back a stage.


ask him to step up from the top of his cage.with hand or stick


ask him to step up while in his cage.


At all times give the one consistant command and offer a reward. Totally ignore any biting or bluff threats from him.Do these little training sessions in short bursts a couple of times a day.Try to end on a good note but dont persue a lesson if it is going drastically wrong,just go back a stage next time.

I wish you luck with this,it can be done.Keep us informed of your progress. Sheila

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