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Gryphon's first day in our home


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Hi everyone,


Gryphon, our 18mo tag, came to live with us yesterday and seems to be doing very well, considering. He's very responsive to our voices, eating beans and pasta and fresh fruit (said no to green beans :lol: ), and playing all day.


He's spent most of the time on top of his cage with his many foot toys and is obsessed with plastic balls with bells and/or beads stuck in them. He tries to get the bell or bead. Any toy suggestions based on that? He has plenty of inside the cage toys, but foot toys are his obsession.


Let's see. He isn't stepping up yet and shows a little bit of territorial aggression on top of the cage. He did get startled twice yesterday and let me pick him up from the floor. He also promptly crawled up my arm to my head, as described. Today he hasn't shown any interest in coming to me (got in a few good bites before I learned his posturing) BUT he asked for scritches. I gave them of course.


Bedtime last night was hard. He didn't want to go into the cage. We tried bribery, but no luck. Poor little dude was sitting one-legged on top of his cage just nodding off. Finally around 9 I tried again and he followed the grape right in. I'd like to get him on a 7pm to 7am schedule eventually.


I guess that's about all! And it's a lot for one day. He's still very quiet...just a contact whistle when I am gone for too long.


I'm wondering if I should wait until he's acclimated before taking him to the vet. Any thoughts on that one? He hasn't had his yearly exam and I'd like to have him seen soon. He's only been to the vet once before.


Thanks for the advice!




http://world-bird-sanctuary.blogspot.com/ 10_12.jpg


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My Tyco also loves foot toys goes through them like crazy This is what I buy for her allot because they last quite a long time and she loves them most pet shops carry them there is a walnut inside of them that rattles I bought her a big one the last time and she has had it for 3 weeks now. they are only about $6.00 and she loves them those and baby rattles with rings on the handles are and anything with a bell inside I do have to watch he with the bell thing because she is a very large Grey and breacks them open in seconds. I'm always afraid she's going to cut heself on the hard plastic.



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So, to get back to your original important question---


""""""I'm wondering if I should wait until he's acclimated before taking him to the vet. Any thoughts on that one? He hasn't had his yearly exam and I'd like to have him seen soon. He's only been to the vet once before."""""""


If you indeed want to take him to the vet to get some type of checkup, then, do it now so that there won't be any future interuptions in the training/bonding process which when started should be done without any type of unpleasent situations to the bird.

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And Dave, thanks for that advice on the vet. I have an appointment for him this Friday. It was the earliest non-emergency appointment I could get. I'm still a little anxious, but hopefully he'll roll with the punches, so to speak.:)




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Thanks guys! It is a work in progress, for sure.


The net is a get-a-grip medium-long. It cost a pretty penny and I deliberated on whether or not to buy, but it is well made and a great "center piece" to build around. So far Gryph likes to grab and chew on the ends but I'm sure he'll climb across to it eventually! :)


We lived in an apartment until this summer and I've never had this kind of space for a bird. It is a real luxury.


Thanks again!


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