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help, constantly plucking


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Hi, i need some help please. my parents own an African Grey called Oscar, they've had him for a number of years now, but we have 2 problems. 1 has been since we first got him, he has never let his wings grow back after getting clipped and also won't let his red tail grow..... and the 2nd problem is even worst, i have been Oscars favourite for the last number of years, and i have always spent a lot of time with him, but about 2 months ago i moved out and got a place of my own, since then he has started to pluck all the feathers off his breast and won't stop....i'm certain its because i've left because about 2 years ago i moved out for about 6 months and he done the exact same thing.


Since moving out, my parents have tried giving him more attention than they used to, to try and conpensate for me being away, but it seems the more time they spend with him, the more time he he has to be with them, but when they go out of the house, this is when it happens. If someone could please give me some advice, i'd be grateful.


Thanks in advance.


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Have you considered taking Oscar to live with you? If he has picked you as his favorite then maybe your parents would allow you to keep him but that does not solve the other problem.


Some greys are more needy than others and suffer from separation anxiety, they do not like to be left alone much. You will have to find some things to occupy his mind and his time to keep him busy enough to now pluck or otherwise damage his feathers.


We have some members here who can offer you some excellent advice on this plus we have loads of info in our many threads.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you.

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Hello Phil and welcome!!


Judy has given a good suggestion regarding the possibility of Oscar coming to live with you, since you are the one he is strongly attached to.


You stated:


"1 - has been since we first got him, he has never let his wings grow back after getting clipped and also won't let his red tail grow."


It sounds like he received a bad wing clip from the start. This probably irritated him to the point that he started mutilating his primary wing feathers and continued on to his Tail. This is a tough habit to break, but it can be done. First, if he is not receiving baths and misting with Aloe Juice atleast 3 times a week, he should be. This will keep his skin and feathers soft, supple and not so itchy and irritating. You should also start providing him with Red Palm Oil in his daily diet. This is a natural fruit extract that they consume in large quantities daily in the wild. Just mix in 1/4 teaspoon of so into his oatmeal or drip it on his pellets or other food items daily.


You stated:


"2nd problem is even worst, i have been Oscars favourite for the last number of years, and i have always spent a lot of time with him, but about 2 months ago i moved out and got a place of my own, since then he has started to pluck all the feathers off his breast and won't stop"


This is where you need to move him in with you if possible and spend atleast a good 4 hours each day with him out of the cage. If you can not do this, then your parents need to do so. This self destructive behaviour will only get worse if he does not receive the out of cage time and attention he needs each day. Especially with your being gone and Oscar feeling lonely and deserted.


Others will chime in too with their suggestions and try to help you out also. :-)

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thanks for your quick replies, i would love to take Oscar with me, but unfortunately the house isn't big enough fo have him here, and not to mention, my girlfriend is afraid of him.


He has been getting regular baths but not with Aloe juice, so i have said to my parents and they're going to start using that. As for the Palm Oil, he has been getting that along with his food.


I should have said earlier that due to Oscar never ever letting his wings grow, he gets let out in the morning when my parents get up, and and usually only closed up when going to bed at night (even when no one is there, he's not closed up as he causes no hassle). He also gets regular attention thoguhout the whole day from nearly all the family.


Phil<br><br>Post edited by: newwave19, at: 2008/10/12 23:21

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Wow, thats plenty of out time and attention.


This may take medical advice from a good Avian vet to get the feather plucking issue resolved. Hopefully the Aloe Juice mistings will help the situation. Some 100% pure Aloe gel could be applied to the bare chest are to relieve any irritation in that area.


I hope things get better for Oscar. Please keep us posted on this when you have a chance or even point your parents towards this forum if they are online. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/12 22:46

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I had the same Problem with Tyco when I first got him after his first clip long before I got him she never let her left wing grow back I took her to the vet and had her reclipped to even out her wings so they matched each other and she finally after 5 years of mutilation has let her wings grow out she is fully flighted for the first time in her life just a suggestion mabie get her wings proffetionally clipped again it my make a difference. as for the plucking it may take a vet check up or you visiting your perents on a daily basis to spend a little time with her.

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i'll suggest that to my parents. i do try to get up as much as i can, but unfortunately it can sometimes be between 2-3 days between visits....when i do go up (and even when i was still living there), the first thing i had to do when getting into the house, was go straight to him and pick him up and play with him for a while. then when i go to leave, mum has to take him outside so he can see me drive off, otherwise he doesn't settle down.


Thanks again for all of your help


Phil<br><br>Post edited by: newwave19, at: 2008/10/13 08:44

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