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Hi All - family of four in NJ with a new TAG. Bellisimo is 4 months old. We are new to parrots so learning lots. One current issue I could use some advice on is flying off its perch (atop its cage). He doesn't want to stay up there and I have been putting him back on after the dive bombs and saying Be Careful. I fear he will crash and hurt himself. After three times I do not return him to outside perch. Thoughts? Thanks for the forum!



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Welcome Joe and Bellisimo!!


To get him, to stay on his perch, you will need to just keep putting him back a 100 times if needed. These Greys are very intelligent and if they know you will give up after try 3, they will go the 4th knowing you will keep them. :-)


It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more.

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Hello Joe and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Bellisimo. That is an unusual name for a grey but I like it.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information, including putting them back on the perch, and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Bellisimo you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hello & Welcome to the Forum Joy. I agree with a previous post, your going to have to just keep putting your bird back until it gets the idea that that is where you wish it to be. They can be stubborn but your bird is young, and you are to be the teacher.

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Welcome here, Joe! Your little one is just learning the ins and outs of flying and practice makes perfect. I understand you are worried about crashes. Make sure and take Bellsimo around and let him touch windows and mirrors and figure out they are solid. You may also want to close curtains and blinds when he is flying about. It will take patience on your part but the flying should improve and by allowing your baby to learn this you give them added self confidence which is good for a grey!

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Here is a nice shot of Bellisimo in the sunlight. I hope you can see why we named him like we did. The sun showed a blue tint to his chest feathers! A real ladies (or is that hen's) bird!!


Anyway we are settling in with our new family member. He is definitely more comfy with us. He does have a habit of wanting to crawl up to your shoulder. He has a nervous chirp that he does constantly until he gets up there. I am not certain that I want him there and I've read many posts about this. We'll see if we can get him confident without being up there. Does anyone else have the chirp thing going on?? Bellisimo.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: jyack1, at: 2008/10/21 02:38


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He is a sweet looking Tag and yes there is a slight blue tint to his feathers in the sunlight.


Most greys do head for the shoulder as that is the highest point without going for the head, if you don't want him up there then you will have to keep him from going up there by taking your other arm and stopping him. This will take a while but eventually he will learn that he is not allowed up there and quit trying.


I do allow my grey on my shoulder but I trust her, she comes down when I ask and I keep an eye out and watch her body language and if I have any doubts I keep her off.


Thanks for sharing a picture of Bellisimo, he is a lady killer all right.:) B)

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