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I am new here. I am in the process of trying to get a new CAG. He/she is 7 months old and has had a bit of a rough start. Wing clip was way too short so he has been picking at it and tail feathers are all missing.


Went to visit him in person yesterday and poor thing looks in rough shape But...he stepped up for both myself and my fiance' and let us even give him a few head scratches.


I asked the breeder what happened to him, she said she had fed him and sold him to the new owners, that they only had him for 2 weeks and the returned him in this condition. I asked her how much she would sell him for and she said she originally sold him for $1400. Then she listed him for adoption for $750 and I just told her to think about it and contact me when she knows how much she would take for him.


I have not heard back from her yet so I am not sure if we will get the opportunity to add this little guy to our family or not. I am attaching a picture of him but he actually looks a bit worse off then he does in this picture as it was taken more from the front of him. I sure hope we get the chance to give him a great home :)


Post edited by: margieb, at: 2008/10/12 02:26<br><br>Post edited by: margieb, at: 2008/10/12 02:27



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Where are you from MargieB? What State or area? It sounds like you have a good and caring heart. The little guy looks like he would be a wonderful companion and just needs a break. I hope you and the breeder can come to an understanding that both of you think is reasonable. Good luck.

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We are in Wisconsin. We had adopted a 12 year old CAG and have had him a bit over a year. He has been such a wonderful addition to our family and keeps us laughing all the time with his witty conversations. He has adjusted so well here :) When we got him he did not have an ideal diet, never was showered or sprayed, didn't have toys because they said he was scared of them. Well he eats a very well rounded diet now here instead of just sunflower seeds, and he enjoys a regular shower even...and he LOVES new toys. We just did things slowly and got him used to new stuff a little at a time. His feathers are gorgeous now and he just talks up a storm and has learned so many new words in just this short year that we have had him. He only likes males though so is very bonded with my other half :)


I am really hoping we get the chance to help this little guy out too!!

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I knew I was right, about you being a caring person. To have taken in an older grey with perhaps baggage is a wonderful thing. Many of our grey forum have greys that had prior families. I think you will really like it here. There are many things to learn and lots to share. Good luck in getting your second grey. And again, welcome to the family!!!

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Hi MargieB w

Welcome to the grey forum. I am sure you will find lots of information here to help you with your new grey. His wings do look a little rough alright :( Poor little guy. Well fingers crossed you will be able to bring him home soon.



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Welcome Margie!!


It's wonderful to hear you rescued one Grey and are trying to rescue another. Hopefully the breeder will get back with, if nothing else with a different price they would be willing to take.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello MargieB, welcome here. He looks like a wonderful little guy and it's too bad he started off on the wrong foot with his first new home. I hope you are able to give him the love he deserves.

Tell us a little more about your 12 yr old CAG- what is his name?

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Our 13 yr old CAG is "Joey" He was 12yrs old when we got him and he has been with us for a year now. He is a "riot" We were told when we got him that he prefers men and they weren't kidding..lol If my fiance' is on the couch with Joey, I am NOT allowed on there!! lol Joey will chase me off. That is ok though. As long as he has bonded with one of us, that is all that matters.

He has changed so much in just a short year..eating good stuff now, feathers look so nice now, and he talks up a storm and has learned all sorts of new noises and words since he has been here. Joey has truly been a great addition to our family :)

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Hello Margie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Joey and this new addition you want to add.


I hope you and the breeder can work things out so you can bring him home, he needs a good stable environment and you seem like someone who is up to the task.


Continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


He looks like a darling from the picture and if you do get him I would imagine that would improve 100%. Feel free to share some pictures of Joey too as we would love to see him also.

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Hi Margieb Welcome to greysforum. I so hope you and the little fellas breader come to some arangement. You have already helped Joey so know the routine. I think you would be the perfect family for the baby grey.Please let us all know how you get on and I would love to see Joey

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