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Earthquake detector


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I am posting this from my phone, so if it formats badly, I apologize.


This morning was nice and eventful. Rigel, my trusty earthquake detector, woke me up at around 6:50 AM, by falling from the top of his cage, over and over again. As always, there was blood everywhere-including all over the walls-from broken blood feathers. Just what I wanted to do first thing in the morning. Of course, I'm sure he had it worse.


Anyway, after the multiple blood-feather pulling ordeal and the cleanup shower, I went to the USGS site to see where this one hit. My trusty detector had alerted me to a magnitude 6.1 that his the US Virgin Islands within 10 minutes of Rigel waking me up.


For those that dont know, I live in Georgia, hundreds of miles north of the quake. Who needs a seismograph!<br><br>Post edited by: Kaedyn, at: 2008/10/11 19:14

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This is the type of story that we should remind ourselves of when we wonder why our birds sometimes do things that seem completely unprovoked or illogical to us (e.g. biting "for no reason", throwing mysterious hissy-fits, etc.) Their sensory tools are just literally wired and tuned differently from ours.


Hope Rigel doesn't have to notify you of too many aftershocks....:whistle:

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Oh I am so sorry you guys had such a stressed morning, I have read alot about the earthquake detectors that are built in our greys and it makes me nervous as I live in California, not looking forward to his detecting cause we feel little ones all the time. Hope hes ok and calmed now :blink:

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Jim I am so sorry that Rigel had to go thru that this morning but like previously said animals do pick up on stuff like that before we do.


I live in VA and even though earthquakes are quite rare they can happen but I have never experienced one and hope I never do.


Let us know how soon he calmed down and how he is now.

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I live in Liverpool uk and was stunned when we had an earthquake earlier in the year.I was woken up at 12 50 am by my grey and tiel thrashing around. I got up and went down stairs to calm them. As I got to the cage of my grey I heared what I thought then was either thunder or a large waggon. Strange. I suddenly felt the floor move and thought I had jumped up too quickly. I eventually calmed the birds and checked them over, thankfully they were fine. I went back to bed . I put the news on the next morning and found out we had been hit by an earthquake.I realised then what had been the cause of the nights disturbance.I am not surprised the birds detected this before me.Being from Liverpool the jokes that got text around everyone were hillarious. It is not funny though to people who live in areas were earthquakes are a real threat.I feel so fortunate I am not one of those people.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/13 20:18

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