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ZZero has found the joy of throwing things to the floor!

This morning we had carnage I always let him help me fix his veggies in the kitchen. I turned to wash a veggie and BAM ceramaic bowl broken to 100 pieces on the floor( my fault) so as I was cleaning it all up I was hit with a carrot and then a bell and anything within his reach was hitting the floor.


I put him on his cage so I could attempt the mess he flew to my shoulder and made a laughing sound and rubbed his head all over my cheek. It was so cute like he was sorry but not really with the underbreath chuckle. I learned a lesson dont turn back if breakables are within reach.


It was a good laugh for me this morning even though I had to clean a huge mess :)<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/10/10 19:02

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Its always been one of Tyco's favorite game to see how many times mom will pick up the same toy when pretending to drop it accidentaly They are so funny Tyco will start playing with a toy then drop it and look down at the toy as if to say mom oh no I dropped it but I want it. and everytime I'll go over and pick it up for her only to have her do it again as soon as I sit back down. I know this game very well. I might play for a coupe rounds then the toy stays on the floor until she goes and gets it herself. I think thats why she prefers foot toys her favorite game is whoops a daisy.

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That's one of their favorite games, I think because it shows them we are subordinate to them, giving in to their every whim!

Unfortunately for Lyric now, when he drops a toy or something exciting on the floor, more likely than not the puppy ends up with it, then Lyric doesn't get it back. Don't want him to get the puppy germs! He doesn't like this change in the game plans... poor poor Lyric!

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Maxi first discovered that game with empty cat food cans that I wash out and stack on the end of the kitchen counter till the next time I go downstairs to put them in the recycling. I think I'd only had her for about a week when she was running around on the counter one morning and dicovered this treasure trove of wonderfully clangy objects that she could use to make Mama pick-up-and-put-back-for-the-next-toss. What fun!! :evil: The next challenge was: now how far can I actually pitch these babies?:evil: :evil: :lol:

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My roomie and I did a great wall of china type deal out of soda cans once (we recycle so often have alot hanging around). We made a castle once purely out of soda cans. And I went outside to smoke a cigarette when chloe was out yesterday I came back and almost all went from my kitchen counter to the floor. When i asked my roomie what happened he said chloe had flown to the kitchen threw my wallet on the floor after chewing the leather some then rhino charged the castle and proceeded to see how many cans she could knock off before I came back in. Parrot 1 Me 0 :(<br><br>Post edited by: Knight05, at: 2008/10/12 14:15

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