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Advice about helping a grey?


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My husband recently changed office locations and his new office is next to a buisness that has a grey for display. I feel sick just even writing this... The grey stays at the store morning and night and so far, he's never observed the poor bird being let out. What he has observed is that the grey spends all day screaming, clinging to the bars of his cage and chewing on them, gets very scared and falls off his perches when people walk past the window, and appears to huddle in one corner of the cage, with his head pressed to the bars, watching the owner (whom we assume the bird is "bonded" to, if you can call his life bonded.) He says there's only a couple of toys in the cage and they appear to be "decorative." To make all of this worse, the owner didn't even know that his grey was a CONGO!


I feel like we should try to do something for this bird, rescue it somehow, but I just don't know how to broach that topic to the owner. I really didn't think people were still out there with such a lack of knowledge or understanding of their bird's needs and so, how do you tell someone you can take care of their pet better than they can? I can only wonder at the fact that this little bird isn't plucked yet, and I know rehabilitating such an abused bird would be a tough road, but my heart breaks for this guy. He only wants to be loved. Athena gives us so much joy every day and it just makes it so hard to see another beautiful creature go on living in torture. We've bought the bird some toys and my husband goes to talk to it on occasion. Have any of you ever been in a situation like this? Any suggestions on how you would try to get the owner to relinquish his "decoration" so we can give it a better life?

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:( This is a sad situation & i commend you for wanting to help the little guy.It is sad that people put a grey in a cage & leave it there.I know it's heartbreaking my daughter was working in Portugal last year & was faced with a similar situation, a local restaurant had a grey in a tiny cage sitting there day & night,she phoned me for advice & did strike up a conversation with the owner,by the end of her stay the grey had been provided with some toys & a little knowledge ;)

I'd approach the owner & start a conversation,see what transpires from there.Good luck ;)<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/10/09 23:17

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Thank you guys for your responses! I think I will go down this weekend and talk to the owner - and maybe I'll take my girl with me. Maybe if he can see how happy she is with us it will start him asking questions about how to make his bird happier. My husband tried to talk to him and let him know we have a grey too - you know how it usually works when you meet another grey person? They can't stop talking about their bird. He said this guy was more interested in getting him to buy something than talking about the bird.

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The poor thing! I just cant imagine what kind of life the grey has! Well it sounds like it dosent have one!

Please keep us updated and let us know how your chat has gone with the owner, If he needs advice about greys get him to join the forum!

Good luck. And thanks for being so caring.


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Maybe you can also talk about a grey in a playgym or play-tree being far more decorative than one in a cage. Tell him that the wings can be clipped, and that a bird can be taught to stay on his tree. Tell them also that a bird feels safer is his sleeping cage is not in front of the window. Tell them about creating a day/night rhytm. Tell them about foraging toys etc. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to update you guys on this story. .


I went and talked to the owner a little bit. He was not interested in giving up/selling the grey at all. What was sad is that as soon as his grey saw me she bent her head for scratches and gave me those sweet, squinty eyes that greys do when they are really happy. The owner, unfortunately, told me flat out that I was not to go near her because "greys are kind of neurotic and one person birds so she will probably bite you."


Huh? Well, I told him that kind of outgoing behavior isn't what you usually see from a neurotic or one-person grey, but hey, what do I know!


His grey only has one toy in the cage and one perch. We are going to send some toys to him "anonymously" and see if he gives them to her. In talking to him it didn't really seem like he was that interested in her or that he knew that much about her, which was so frustrating to see for such a sweet girl, but I tried to remain respectful and let him know that we have a grey too and really love greys and that if we can ever help him out he has just to ask.


I guess the best we can hope for is that if he ever decides his bird is too much hassle, he keeps us in mind.


It just breaks my heart to see these creatures treated with such ignorance and carelessness. Every time I look at my girl all I can think about is the incredible joy and love she brings to my life. I hope this guy gets the chance to see that about his grey!

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If the animal is truly neglected, do you have a Humain Society in your area? If you talked with one of the Humain Society officers about the true needs of a grey, maybe the officer would have a talk with the owner.


I fear that if you send this guy toys, he will just resell them, then you are just giving this guy more profit from this abused Grey.


I hate to say this, but if the grey does start plucking, maybe the guy would not see the bird as an ornament anymore....But that would be even more hard work to get the Grey rehabilitated. And that poor bird does not deserve that.


I really wish that people would have to have a license to be able to own some species of parrots. They could test potential owners to see if they are really ready and have done their research first. I know that would not stop all potentially bad owners, but maybe it would save a couple parrots from a life of torture.


I just do not understand why people would pay the price they do for one of these birds and then treat them the way they do...:(<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2008/11/06 16:21

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That S.O.B. should be locked up in a cage and shown for decoration in a window. That makes me sick to think that some people can actually mentally abuse a little parrot, or any animal, for that matter. My grey gets more attention than my wife (so I'm told by her everyday) but she's my baby, and to think that little grey is being mentally tortured is disgusting. I wish that I had the money to buy acres of land to take all abused and unwanted animals so that they can live their lives with dignity and repect and not put on display for some as*!oles pleasure.

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I don't know what country you are located in, but I am wondering whether there are authorities who might intervene here. In the USA I would definitely be contacting the Humane Society about this situation.


What about other peoples' reactions? Surely you are not the only person who has passed by this storefront and noticed an animal in distress. I would think many people who are not even really attuned to parrots and their needs would notice the negative body language of the bird.


Suggestions, folks: what's the best way to communicate to this shop owner that his abused parrot is a detriment to his business, rather than an attraction?

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Is this bird plucking, is its cage dirty and his food and water dishes filthy or empty? How do you know it doesn't go home with it's owner at night? Do you have any pictures of this abuse. If there really is abuse, contact the authorities, it's that simple. The Humane Society will check it out. Or how about your local bird rescue stepping in, contact them. Good luck on a solution.

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Poor bird.If you wish to take it on, you are just going to have to talk to the owner and ask if he will part with it. It does sound as if the grey is scared . If you cant aquire the bird see how receptive the owner is to advise,other than that the authorities may intervene, They will probabley only get involved if the bird is not being fed, watered, cleaned or in poor health and not getting vet attention. Good luck but try to do something to help.

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