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My rehomed Timneh


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Hi there! I am adopting an 18 month old Timneh grey named Gryphon. He is coming from a very good home where he has been much loved, but his human doesn't feel that she gives him enough time. He is very bonded to her but otherwise seems well adjusted and happy.


He will be coming to my house on Saturday and I'm wondering if anyone has tips for making the transition as easy for him as possible. I have bird experience and realize he will be grieving for his human as well as making a stressful change to a new environment. We plan on taking things entirely at his pace, spending time near the cage but not forcing him to do anything he isn't ready for. He will be coming to us with his cage and toys.


Other things I know about him: he's never been covered at night; tolerates a shower but hates the spray bottle; is in the beak bite testing phase (I'm not afraid of bites...work with big parrots, corvids, birds of prey).


I offered him my hand for step up when we visited. His human was right next to me and so, naturally, he wasn't having it. He did not exhibit fear or aggression but did slowly clamp my finger and squeeze hard to let me know his answer.


I am most concerned about his emotional state as he makes the adjustment. I've never had a grey.


Many thanks for your help and advice,




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It sounds like from you own ideas that you are doing what is needed to help him make the adjustment to his new home. He does need time to settle in and allow him to set the pace that he will accept things from you. You will need lots of patience in dealing with him but the rewards are worth it.


It helps a lot that you know of his background and that will help you with the transition. He needs to know that you will be there for him if he needs you and in time he will come to accept you and trust you, its a piece of cake from there.


We do have a lot of members here that have taken in rehomed and rescued greys and they will be able to give you some invaluable advice.


Gryphon is one lucky grey, he is going from one loving home into another, only he doesn't know it yet but he will soon, thanks for giving this grey a good home.

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Welcome Stephanie. It sounds like you have everything well at hand. Sounds like you probably have already asked the prior owner all about Gryphon's schedule and habits. Do you work for the bird sanctuary on the blogspot? The setting looks familiar, I believe I was there a few years ago. I loved the new boss, Sid, he would be great for the photo contest that is going on right now, if he were a grey that is.:cheer: Glad you could join us. There are wonderful people and greys in this forum. They will be able to help with some great advice. Hope to see Gryhon pics real soon.

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that so great that you found a such a nice well loved bird to adopt. he will come to trust you quickly. he will miss his previous owner but he will soon adapt andrespond to your love and pateints. Greys are absolutly wonderful birds in no time your going to wonder what you ever did without him.

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